This Coming Year has My Name All Over It [ July 28, 2004, 10:55 pm ]

It's my birthday today! Woo! I'm legal + one. (22, people.)

It's also my 700th entry.

I think I'm more proud of that. It takes commitment to stick with this diary for so long. I think of it as a relic or souvenier that shows me how much I've grown in the past two and a half years. It's a cool thing to have.

So yes, my bday was today. It wasn't really anything out of the ordinary until I went to dinner with Amanda and Ryan. We drank, we ate tons, we sang. It was great fun.

I *heart* my friends. Almost everyone I know has messaged or called me today to wish me a happy day. They all rock.

I was thinking last night about how massive this year could be for me. I'm going to graduate from college. I could start on my career path (here's hoping). I'm going to chair NAE (aah!). I'll be going overseas for Spring Break (knock on wood) and cavorting in New York City in the fall (keeping my fingers crossed).

It's looking to be a huge year.

I made a promise to myself last night that I wouldn't be in the U.P. for my 23rd birthday.

With that in mind, I declare this the Year of Krissy.

From here on out, I will not be paranoid--or as paranoid as I have been in the past. I will take risks. I will live in the moment. I won't overanalyze everything. I will be more grateful. At the same time, I'll be a little more selfish and do more what's right for me instead of appearing to be spineless hack.

This is my last year of college; my last year to truly enjoy myself and make every moment count. I don't want to over-exert myself. And I certainly don't want to burn out. I want to have fun.

I want to experience life to the fullest.

What this means is that I'll attempt to not be as paranoid and overanalyzing--as I said before. I'm quasi-obsessive. That's gonna stop. Or, um, come to halt a little more.

Self-improvement--I'm all about it.

It's going to be a great year. I'm going to make sure of it.

The year of Krissy--remember that.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: The Daily Show--oh my God, their election coverage is fuckin' hilarious

Crush du Jour: Johnny Depp

Happy Thought of the Moment: fabulous bday, presents (!!), good meetings, CAKE, Alotta Coladas (mmm!), seafood, fans, having a semi-clean room, Air-heads, being indulgent, my new necklace, the Year of Krissy

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