When Did I Get So Down-To-Earth? [ July 30, 2004, 10:20 am ]

I hate it when everything that I've been thinking about in the past 36 hours flies out of my head as soon as the entry page opens up.

I've decided that I abhore the construction that is going on. That's right--abhore. It's my new word. The construction completely sucks. I can hear both the art building construction AND the Hedgecock construction in the morning. I think they were testing the fire alarms in Hedgecock this morning. At SEVEN AM. And they were also making really loud chopping sounds--like a cleaver on a chopping block except a hundred times heavier.

For some reason when I heard it the first thing I thought of was "chopping broccolli" from SNL. I laughed even though I was uber-tired and pissed at being woken up.

I have the weirdest train of thought as I'm waking up. I won't even attempt to explain it. If you've woken up with me in the room, you may understand. otherwise...don't even try.

Then! Oh God I had the weirdest dream last night. I don't have any idea where it originated or what it means. All I remember is that I was in an apartment of a psycho killer who liked to chop off girls' lower halfs. I don't know why or how. He chopped their hips and legs off and then hid them. Somehow I found one of the girls (she was somehow hiding in the couch--which looked a lot like my apartment's couch--eeeww) and figured out what was going on. I rescued the three girls that were alive and helped them to recover.

It was so weird. It felt like a cross between Blair Witch, Silence of the Lambs and any M. Night Shamalahn movie. Can we say creepy?

I don't even want to begin analyzing that one.

Maybe it has to do with money. How, I don't know. But I'm a little concerned with money. Please, who isn't? My paycheck yesterday sucked. Big time. It was from the period where I was in Chicago, so I got less than half of what I usually get. And guess what came in the mail yesterday? Oh, that would be my cell phone bill, which I affectionately refer to as "the paper that likes to rape Krissy." This was also from the period where I was in Chicago. I don't know why I even bother to hope with them. Of COURSE I got slammed with roaming charges. Of course AllTel is going to charge me up the ass, even though I'm pretty sure I'm paying them to NOT do that to me. God I fucking hate AllTel. Hate. Them.

People, never EVER go with AllTel. Consider this my retribution for all the shit they've slammed me with: overage charges, bogus reconnection fees, roaming fees, everything. They're an ulcer and a half. Don't go with them if you get a cell phone. They fucking suck. Believe me. I have the migraines and papers to prove it.

I'm also paying on my--haha--credit card bill today. $100, baby. I feel responsible. Kind of. Too bad my bill is up to $600 or something. The goal is to pay it off nearly fully by the time I go to New York City. Whether that happens or not remains to be seen. But my mom promised to help me out, so that kicks ass. And (fingers crossed) I'll be getting a bday check from daddy dearest next month (I swear he forgot my bday all together this year until Mom reminded him) to put towards the platinum. Hopefully.

It really sucks being responsible. Not only do I have to save for my upcoming trips (not complaining!), but I have to pay to keep the celly wolves at bay. And not go into debt on the credit card.

Anyone know of a good hiding place for the card? I. Am NOT. Using. It. ANYMORE.

I really gotta curb my spending habits. No more eating out. No more un-necessary trips to the mall or Wal-Mart. (I'm amazed how much money I can drop there.) No more trips to the ATM because money goes FAST that way. No more three bar nights a week. Hell, if I gave up alcohol altogether I bet I could save a LOT.

I feel old. I hate being responsible. Dammit.

Watch, I'm gonna go on a spending spree now just to rebel.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Underneath it All" by No Doubt

Crush du Jour: anyone rich?

Happy Thought of the Moment: upcoming trips, being responsible, scrapbooking, sleeping in, music videos in the morning, waffles, short day at work today, being helpful, refreshing showers, jello shots, new clothes soon, working out (starting Monday!)

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