YA YA!!!! [ June 07, 2002, 9:00 pm ]

Aight, so my stupid counter thingy is ghetto. It says that 1 person has looked at my diary. When in reality a TON more people have seen this thingy. What I think happened is that it can't go past 1000 so it just starts back at 1. Whatev. No biggy. =)

(FYI: Giovanni is a fabulous name. I just heard it on t.v. I likey that name!!!)

Mmmmmm! I am officially in heaven. I got chocolate cheesecake from the restaurant Mom and I went to for dinner. It is soooo GOOD! Chocolate and cheesecake--2 of my favorite things combined into one delicious little slice. Mmm mm mmmm!

Mom and I hadda "date" tonight. We went and saw "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood." It was sooo good. It followed the book pretty precisely, I thought. I bawled sooo hard like half a bazillion times. And I forgot to bring Kleenex. My bad. :p Yeah, so go and see it--it's a total chick flick. It was a good bonding experience for the two of us. I love Mommy!!!

I wanna make a HAPPY LIST!!!!

~Going to Marquette: Em and I FINALLY figured out the next time I can return to the land of MQT. Watch out all--for the weekend of June 28th will see chaos return to Marquette! Brahahahaha!

~The chocolate cheesecake I was just raving about above. It's just so rich and yummy!

~The new issue of Cosmo: it just came out. And I enjoy this magazine sooo much! Every issue is fab...

~Harry Potter

~Commercials: cuz a commercial special is on tv right now. I loooove those!

~THE WINGS WON!! THE WINGS WON!! (Now they better win tomorrow--and then the next 2 games. )

~Long, hot showers: they're just sooo relaxing and luxurious!

~Cool breezes on hot days

~Sprinkles of rain

~Seeing old friends (I probably had this one before, but it gives me great joy =)

~Good hair days

~Bella: she's sooo cute. You should've seen her a couple of minutes ago--she was cocking her head while I scratched her ears. She looked soooo cute!

~John Mayer!!! (Sorry--I couldn't resist!)

~Root beer floats

~Ben Stiller: cuz I was just thinking about Zoolander and he looks so damn cute in that movie.

~Alan Cumming: K, so he had like a 2 second cameo on The Hamptons special last week and I freaked out. I am the HUGEST Alan fan ever. He was sooo fabulous in the Broadway version of Caberet. (K, so I didn't SEE it, but I have the cast recording and just listening to him at during the finale gives me the chills--it's THAT good.) And in like every movie he's in--he's just SO good. So versatile. So underappreciated. I LOVE him. (So concluded my plug of the night. Now go rent a movie that has him in it. They include: The Anniversary Party, Josie and The Pussycats, Spy Kids, SpiceWorld, and ummm....OH! Emma if you want to go waaay back. Or go and buy the new original cast recording of Cabaret. You won't regret it--I swear. It's sooo good.)

HOLY SHIT! There IS a god. Katy has been sooo completely and utterly bitchy lately. It really has not been a picnic living with her. And mom is sooo not impressed. Anyways...she went to "study" for her ACT's (hehehehe--they're tomorrow--soooo glad I don't have to go through them again) an hour ago. And she's actually home on time. Which is completely amazing. But now I have to put up with her for the rest of the night. Wheee. How fun.

I should get going for now. I'm gonna go and eat the rest of my fabby-fab-fab cheesecake. Heh heh. Ciao for now, dahling!


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