I'll Be Home for Christmas [ December 14, 2003, 1:50 am ]

I was *this* close to not writing an entry--stupid servers. Grr.

Oh well.

I'm SO pumped. In 12 hours I should be home. That's amazing in my book. I realized the other day that I haven't been home in 7 or 8 months. I've seen my mom from time to time because she comes down here to shop with her sisters. But it's not the same you know?

I'm so excited to just go home, sleep for 11 hours at a time, read a lot of good books (I will finish A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and Live From New York--Behind SNL), do some scrapbooking (yay!), bake cookies with mom and Katy, and just chill out. I haven't really had time to breeeathe in like, um, 4 months. Isn't that the way it is in college? Yeah. I know you all can relate.

I have sooo much crap to take home. Sooo much. Duffel bag. Laundry basket packed with sweaters. Framed pictures for mommy--which, FYI, are massive, but still look amazing, bag full-o-presents. Shoes. Mom's stupid tupperware. Scrapbooking thingys.


I think I need to turn into a minamalist. Yeah.

Oh god--can I just say how much I loved Jimmy Fallon's impression of John Mayer tonight during Weekend Update? SO FUCKING FUNNY. I fell over laughing. It was so perfect for me--my comic crush impersonating the man whose children I want to mother. "blaah blah blaaah/ooo-OO-oooo/ooo-oooh/blah blaaaah blaaaaah/oo-OOOO-oo/christmas presents"

If ya didn't see it, you totally missed out. Mwahahaha.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Vh1

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon AND John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: shopping with the girls, clean room, Joe's reaction to his scrapbook, finding the JM D-town concert, No Doubt's Greatest Hits, McGyver, free pizza, italian cream sodas, care packages, talking to mommy, home tomorrow!!!

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