The End is the Beginning.... [ December 17, 2003, 12:46 pm ]

My head hurts. Gaah. It's been an interesting couple of days since I've been home. Here's the rundown:

a.) my ass hurts baaadly.

b.) Return of the King is very good, but very very VERY long

c.) John Mayer could have almost maybe come to Marquette, which would have made Krissy the most happy person on the face of the planet

d.) my grandma, um, is on her death-bed

e.) my love-life may actually take a turn for the happy side...for once.

Now to elaborate on the episodes of my life since I've come home.

a.) as I was getting ready to leave on Sunday, I was dragging my hugely overpacked, really really heavy duffel bad down the stairs to my car. I had like three steps to go when my foot slipped and I fell. Well, my tailbone feel. Right on the corner of the stair. I swear I broke my ass in that moment. It hurt SO BAD. I limped to Katie's room and just sat on her couch for ten minutes trying to recover. I was laughing and crying it hurt so baaad. Let me just was not a happy two hour drive home. Nooo, not at all. It still hurts three days later.

Ooh--pizza's done! Yay!

b.) not done quite yet...but yeah. Emily and I went to the midnight showing of Return of the Kind last night. Yup, we're dorks. We wanted to say that we were some of the first to see the movie. I loved the fact that Houghton actually did a midnight matinee. A redeeming quality for the cruddy town. Too bad there was a bunch of Tech dorks there. And a whoooole lot of infantile high schoolers too. A couple of guys starting making fart noises right at the end. Stupid people thought it was funny and laughed, so more fart-y sounds were made. Right at the part where I was crying too. GRR. I loathe stupid people.

The movie was really good though. Really long, I thought the ending dragged. But it was good. A great ending to a great trilogy. And lemme just say this--I will marry Legolas. I was nearly screaming proposals when he mounted the horse in the second one. In this one--wheew! I was ready to jump on screen and carry him away.

Oh--one really funny thing that happened. Em saw this kid in line that looked like Tudgeman from Lizzie McGuire. He ended up sitting in front of us for the movie, so we were sitting there laughing like idiots before the thing started. He was there with his girlfriend. Once the movie started, it was like make-out city for the two of them. Call me crazy, but I don't think that Lord of the Rings exactly screams make-out movie.


On a completely random sidenote--why do people feel the urge to change their MSN screennames every 5 seconds? It's annoying.

c.) so NAE had this amazing opportunity to bring John Mayer to campus because he's doing this obscure city tour for his February-March tour. Yeah. I was psyched. Beyond psyched. I'm sure you can all imagine. Bob informed me when I got online today that because of a couple of people, we're not going to take the risk. Sure, he's expensive, but how often would we have the chance to do a huge act like JOHN MAYER? Grr. I'm so beyond irked and pissed here. I sometimes hate people. Especially people who pretend to know more than they really may. It sucks. I'm gonna shut up before I say anymore that could piss some people off.

Of course I was imagining me fluffing couch pillows for him and pretty much just groveling at his feet. The fantasy was so fabulous. It always ended with him and his manager begging me to join them on the rest of the tour--not as a groupie but as a manager/girlfriend/respectable and oh-so-hot love slave type. Yeah.

GOD I am SUCH a dork.

d.) My grandma's taken a turn for the worst. She's old. Over 80. She's lived a good life. Her husband--my grandp--died almost ten years ago. We all thought for sure that she was going to die soon after him. She's marched on. The last couple of years, though, she's been really going downhill fast. It got so bad that she was put into a nursing home. Now she's not swallowing and she's hacking up phlegm a lot and she can't eat anything, she can only drink water and juice. It's really sad. She looks like a ghost of herself. She's all bones. And she can't talk, she can only moan. It's sad to see her like that.

It's even sadder to see my mom. It's the holidays and she's stressed enough as it is with presents and baking and celbrations and cards and bills. Let's add a dying mother to the mix. And my mom is the closest of the kids to her mom, too, so she's taking it really hard. She's been spending nights at the hospital and I've barely seen her. Which sucks for me because I feel like I'm losing my grandma and a part of my mom in this process.

And I feel like such a bitchy whore for saying this, but I wish she could just die. You can tell she's suffering. And her suffering is causing all of us to suffer ever more. She's hanging on for some reason, but I wish she wouldn't. It's a sad, horrible thing for me to say, but it's true. The sooner she dies, the sooner the mourning and moving on can start.

Now that I feel like mega-bitch of the universe.....

e.) lala--I got a guy's phone number yeterday. Ok, so it's someone I know and I'm sorta friends with, but still! I'm going to call him C for all intensive purposes. He's such a nice guy--funny, cute, sweet. I hadn't seen this guy since the beginning of the semester--and then he tried to hit on me I think. I think--I can never tell. Plus he was drunk, so who knows. Anyway...I saw him at the mall the other day and a happy reunion was held. I later thought to give him my phone number. Durrh. Luckily he's a workaholic, so I saw him yesterday when I was shopping with Katy so we exchanged phone numbers.

I don't want to get my hopes up really, but I have thought about him from time to time. He's such a nice guy. Genuine. Something you don't really find a whole lot. So I'm pumped that we're at least going to hang out over break. We'll have to see if there's anything there, but hope always springs eternal for me. I keep thinking that there's something there and my mind keeps racing to the image of us as a couple. Which is BAD. I always do that. It should be my new year's resolution to stop doing that. That and budget. Cuz I really need to learn how to do that.

Yeah...Just keep your fingers crossed. I need some glimmer of hope to keep me going through this vacation. And this might just be it.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: All My Children

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom--Legolaaas! Marry meeee!

Happy Thought of the Moment: midnight movies, pretty wrapping paper, being home, Christmas cookies, lots of lseep, holiday songs, blasting No Doubt and screaming along to it, pretty snow, glitter, pretty rings (even though I can't afford them--grr), British Cosmo, shopping, possibilities, seeing family, Orlando, my doggy, candles, Christmas trees, fleece, bright scarves, good books, sleeping in, cuddly blankets, chai cider, scrapbooking, Christmas cards, bubble baths

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