I Wish I was 6 Again.... [ December 12, 2003, 8:46 pm ]

No more caffeine for you.

Have I mentioned lately how much I ADORE Lilo and Stitch? It's one of the greatest Disney movies ever. For sure.

I got some of my presents done! Yay! I'm actually trekking to Miss Amanda's in about 10 minutes to exchange presents with her. Excitement.

I broke down and bought Dad something. I wasn't planning on it, but the pix that were taken of Katy and I were so good, that I figured he would really enjoy one. I got a nice modern-esque frame and framed one of the better pictures of the two of us. It's a small gesture but I know he'll like it. I'm not going to stop reaching out to him, even if he doesn't want to converse with me or have a "real" relationship. He is still my dad and whether I like it or not, he's affected me. I've embraced my past, I'm working on getting over it--I think I'm making progress daily. So this gift is just a token, a symbol of my maturity and growth.

Go, me, the empowered one.

And I framed the pix for my mom's present. Hooooly shit. They look absolutely amazing. No shit. Amanda did a fabulous job with the portraits. They look like they belong in the frames I bought. They're gallery-type frames. From--get this--Shopko. They're gorgeous. The frames really compliment the pictures. I know she's going to cry when she sees them. This is definitely definitely the best gift I've ever gotten Mommy.

I'm also pondering if I should get her John Mayer's Heavier Things cd. I know that she'll like it. I just don't know if I have the fundage. Damn it sucks being poor.

(Hmmm...maybe daddy will give me a nice fat check for Christmas. That'd be nice, considering that I have to pay for car insurance for the next six months still. Grooooan. Being a grown-up sucks. Being a broke grown-up really sucks. I want to be 6 again. "And theeeese days....")

Ohmygod. I just saw a Disney Stars commercial thingy where they're talking about the holidays. The kid who plays Matt on Lizzie McGuire looks so freakin' old. His voice has deepened and he grew out his hair. I think I liked him better as the spikey-haired little brother.

Aight, I gotta bundle up and go visit fabulous Amanda. Yay for presents! Yay for the holidays! Yay for the sand-castle scene in Stitch too--it's my favorite scene in the whole movie.


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: the surfing scene from L&S

Crush du Jour: Border Grill hottie

Happy Thought of the Moment: gift shopping, holiday spirit, Christmas songs, twinkly lights, apple-tinis, cute bartenders, Stitch, cozy sweaters, scrapbooking

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