All I Got for Christmas... [ December 25, 2004, 11:18 pm ]

So is it bad that when drama unfolds on Christmas I think oh yay, now we're tragic like the Rent bohemians? Because, um, that is exactly what I thought when I woke up.

In the grand Petersen family tradition, our Christmas was a little on the non-traditional side. We awoke to no power. Meaning no heat. Meaning that my normally cold room felt ice-hold. I swear there were icicles hanging from my curtains. It was c.o.l.d. I was instructed to crawl back in bed, so I did, even though it was late morning by the time we woke up.

Not, fifteen minutes later, the power came back on. I heard the fam talking, then some scuffling. Then I heard them getting all worried-like. And how.

Our water heater broke/busted/imploded. Because it was so cold. Aaand because there was no heat for so long.


Mom almost lost it. She's convinced that only bad stuff happens to her. How she thinks this I don't know. She was even grumpy after Katy and I told her that we're all going to Disney-World in May (to celebrate us and to rejoice that I'm done with college). She can be a drama queen. She's validated, of course. I think she just wanted to have a good Christmas.

It was good. We went out for dinner and had prime rib. Although the restaurant we were at wasn't four-star, the food rocked. And we had fun discussing our impending Disney trip. We basically enjoyed each others' company and made the best of what we had.

And isn't that really what the holiday is about?

We don't know what's going to happen with the heater. We have running water, so it's not like we're living in the stone ages or something. It's just not, um, heated.

It'll all work out. Until then I'll just stare at the lovely ruby ring I got for Christmas. Because if Christmas isn't about family and happy moments, then it can just be about the bling I got.

ciao, dahling!


PS: just kidding! Although I do adore my ring, I know what the holidays are about. So shush.

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