The one with sucking [ December 27, 2004, 7:50 pm ]

There should be a sign slapped on the door to my house:

WARNING: Entering this place may cause loss of personality and motivation. If you pass through this door, you may become a dull, boring person--an 80-year-old trapped in the body of a college co-ed.

I have done next to nothing since I returned home last Monday. And while nothing beats the warm fuzzy feeling of being in my old bedroom and hanging out with my mom, my Chassell home is dull-dull-DULL. I didn't get out of my pajamas yesterday. And today? Today I didn't change from my robe and flannels until 5...ish.

Good GOD, I'm greasy. I can't believe I just admitted that.

Seriously, a week here and I'm clawing at the walls. Yesterday I watched a couple of movies, read an entire novel and scrapped two NYC layouts. I don't think my ass moved from the couch for, like three hours.

It's like my house is sucking the motivation and energy right. from. me.

Or, maybe, this is what I needed after my hectic, drama-filled, frantic semester. Maybe.

Thank GOD, though, I'm returning to my apartment for New Year's Eve. I think three straight weeks in Chassell could drive me over the edge.

Speaking of New years--UGH. Who doesn't have plans yet? Oh that would be this girl. Katy has to "work" throughout the New year, including a midnight shift on New Year's Eve, so she can't come to Marquette with me. Which leaves me to fend for myself. I'm bound and determined to be in Marquette, I just don't know what to do once I'm...there.

So, friends!! If you're in Marquette, let me know, otherwise I may be fighting the drunks at the "ball drop" by myself. And that would suck.

This entry has a lot of sucking in it. Heheee.

Ciao, dahling!


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