Warm Fuzzies All Around [ December 04, 2003, 1:35 am ]

So once again I should be sleeping. But I'm in the office. mwahaha. I feel like a renegade or something. I should be making signs. But nooo--stupid printer decides to just go boink and only print 5 of my 15 copies. Charming. Fucking charming.

I've used the word "fuck" so many times today that I can't even count.

I am turning into fucking trash.

Or Kelly Osbourn.

I hung out with my boss tonight. Quality girl time. It was So. Nice. I feel like I never see her anymore for some odd reason. I think it's cuz it's the end of the semester and we're all just scrambling to land on our feet. We just sat around and sipped on chai latte'.

I am so completely blessed to have such great friends. I have such amazing friends. Seriously! My boss--she's like a big sister and therapist and picker-upper all in one. And Emily--she's just so wonderfully unique. We just get each other. And Erin--god, that girl knows how to make me smile no matter what. And her sense of humor is like a snowball on a hot day--sometimes you just need it. And Joe--oh lord, what would I do without him? Really, daily he reminds me that the world is fabulous and that I'm fabulous.

I'm such a dork. How did I get such great friends?

And I'm only mentioning the few core people in my life. There are like ten gabillion others: my staffers, my residents, my NAE peeps, my VA peeps and SLFP peeps and everyone else.


haaa--the tone of this entry is so 180 degrees different from yesterday's entry. Too funny.

One of my residents called me a hottie earlier tonight on my round. I'm not used to hearing that. Especially since I think I'm nowhere near hottie status. Still, it's nice to know that some guys find me irresistable....at least to some extent. *grin*

Eww--ear gunk is GROSS. Yuck, I need a Q-tip.

Gross gross GROSS.

And now my equlibrium seems off because I tried to itch my ear. Gaah.

Yeah, I'm now going in search of a Q-tip.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Some Like It Hot" by Robert Palmer--yay 80s!!!

Crush du Jour: Back to youuu, Mr. Mayer!

Happy Thought of the Moment: good days, no more Fiction class, free lunch, good pix, girl time, girl night out this weekend, bowling, holiday cheer, real Christmas trees, SLFP party Friday, pretty scarf, being called a "hottie", great residents, another successful program, a month of vacay soon, comfy blankies

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