F*ckity-F*ck-F*ck [ December 03, 2003, 2:40 am ]

Oh my god, this video cracks me up. Touching youuuuuuuu.

Touching meeeeeeee.

Touching you touchi-touching meeeee.

You all are probably clueless--it's The Darkness, "A Thing Called Love." It's fucking hilarious. They rip on all these cheesy rock videos from the 70s and 80s. He has the big hair and the one-piece slit-down-to-the-naval outfits. Oooh, now he's running down a long corridor. Ooh and Queen-esque effects too. You get the idea.

It's fucking hilarious. If you ever watch MTV and VH1 while they play videos, like at 3 am, they show it.

Enough about that....I think I'm wired now. Damn sugar. I consumed mass quantities of it thinking I'd really really need it for my portfolio-finishing. But I really didn't. I was done before 2:30. And it's all printed out and everything. Sweeeet.

Go me! The 'folio's done. Yaaay!

So I think I'm becoming totally obsessed with John Mayer. which isn't such a bad thing, of course. I've been stalking mystupidmouth.com--this message board for all things John. It's quite fabby. And quite addictive. I guess if there were actually people recording the show in Detroit it'd be at least 2 weeks until it'd be released, but at least I know now where to look! But I also found out that he has rock-star tendencies like the 311 and AAF fuckers do. (Meaning people scope out the "hot chicks" and give them backstage/after party passes. Grr.) That is disappointing. Really disappointing. I hold him above that type of thing. He's gorgeous and talented--like he needs to do something like that. I'm still clinging to the hope that it's a rumor. Which it very well could be. It just sucks when you hear about that kind of shit happening, no matter who it is. It kinda makes you lose faith in humanity a little bit. Yes, we are all horny. But you don't have to be so disgusting and blatant about getting ass.

Besides, it's not fair to us mere mortals because it's not like we can just send people out to do the dirty work for us. It should be a level playing field for all. (Which I guess it never will be since there will always be beautiful people and average people. Hummm.)

This is becoming a depressing entry. Boo. I didn't mean for that. But I was so disillusioned after the 311 concert with the after party shit. I mean, come on. At least thank the people who brought you here and worked hard for you. Motherfucker.

I officially have an X-rated vocabulary folks. Mwahaha.

Gaah--I hate this stupid BK drive-through rhyming ad. It drives me NUTS.

Maybe I should go to bed since so much stuff is annoying me tonight. Now there's a thought.

Oh God--so I have stomach pains now. How fabulous is that? I was trying to nap and I rolled over and stretched out earlier tonight and my whole entire stomach just ached like it was being sliced open over and over. Yeah, it was great fun. Then when I was working in the office later on, my intestines felt like they were being twisted around with a seraded knife. NOT COOL.

I hate being sick. I hate feeling icky.

Humm...I think I'm gonna go to bed.

In conclusion:

*yay for funny videos

*yay for my new favorite word "fuck"

*boo for horny rock-stars (please please pleeease god don't let that be how Mr. Mayer is!)

*double boo for icky stomach pains

*triple boo for un-fair dating/playing field

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar FAntasy To: "Runnin" by TuPac--I hate the fucking hook for this, it sounds like a chipmunk having a hernia while being run over by a Mac truck

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom

Happy Thought of the Moment: portfolio done, Chinese chicken, cute boots, good mixes, Brett hugs, good NAE news, John Mayer black tee, fortune cookies, Charlie Brown Christmas, McD's runs, funny videos, Trans-Siberan Orchestra, sleep, feeling poetic

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