Party of One [ December 05, 2003, 1:50 am ]

Note to self: don't go out to the bars when it's kiddie night. And do NOT go out if your conscience is screaming at you to stay in.

If both of these circumstances can be related to, definitely DEFINITELY do NOT go out.

You know what happens if you do?

Your inner bitch comes out to play.

And my inner bitch (whom I affectionately dub Lola from this point forward) does not like bars that turn into meat markets where under-age kiddies decide to skank it out and dry hump on the dance floor. My inner bitch does not appreciate dance floors where there is no room to move let alone dance. My inner bitch hates when her friends decide to ditch her and social butterfly without her knowledge. My inner bitch hates feeling like a ball-and-chain and a hinderance. And my inner bitch hates being bitchy.


I really have to stop going out. Well....impromptly going out. If I'm not up for it, I really should just be a homebody. I'm not a night-life girl--I can be, but mostly I'd rather just curl up under my favorite blanket, pop in a favorite cd and read. It's a simple pleasure. I never have time for the simple things anymore.

And yes, I love seeing all my friends and socializing. But really--how well can you bond when everyone stinks like smoke and you can't see a thing cuz of stupid lighting and you can't hear anything because of loud stupid music? Call me crazy, but I can think of better ways to hang out than that.

And the dancing is great--if there's room on the fucking dance floor. Grr.

I love venting. Lola is now appeased.

So Joe pierced his tongue last night. You wanna know how I found out? Through his fucking AWAY MESSAGE. I called and reamed out his machine, thanking him for informing me and inviting me to this momentous occassion. I got a voice message later on that said it was a "spontaneous thing." Um, it's not a spontaneous thing if you put it in your away message, thankyouverymuch. Gaaah. I'm just hurt that I wasn't invited. There was a little entourage of people there, including his boyfriend and random people who he's never talked about before. But no me. Kinda makes me feel un-important.

Kinda how I felt tonight when everyone (except Sean--he's fabulous...and such a great dancer. Mmm.) scattered around and left me to fend for myself. Unimportant. A little unloved. Sucks a bit.

Yeah yeah--I'm channeling Stuart Smalley. Pity party of one here. Mwahaha.

I swear I have to be PMS-ing. I'm totally bitchy and moody and feel like bursting into tears several times for no reason tonight. Maybe I should just cry. Maybe I'd feel better.

Who knows.

I gotta get some sleep. My agenda for tomorrow: present rushing, bank crap, Chronicles (yay I get to play with little kids and finger-paint!), DC Scholarship meeting, SLFP holiday party, NAE bowling. Damn, it sounds like I'm the fucking premier socialite of NMU.


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: orchestra movements from Moulin Rouge--divine

Crush du Jour:uuhhh...Lola doesn't give a fuck right now

Happy Thought of the Moment: girly night with my boss, HotPlate, pretty colors, twinkly lights, good lotion, my long-ass scarf, no more Mass Media (thank GOD), girls only night Saturday (no boys allowed!), pretty camisoles, Moulin Rouge music, Heavier Things, caffeine, Border Grill, hot chocolate

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