Writer's Block [ April 27, 2003, 4:11 pm ]

I'm chillin' in the coffeeshop with Hannah right now. I should be doing homework. But do you know how unmotivated I am right now?


In all fairness, I did revise my Waitress Story for my Creative Writing portfolio, so mad props to myself for that. So now all I have to do is semi-revise my poems....and write another story. Gaah. I do NOT wanna do that. I mean, I do, cuz I adore writing, but I don't. I am such a perfectionist. It sucks. I expect to strike gold with everything I write. Which I know is totally not gonna happen. But it scares me so I don't wanna write. Most of the stuff I start off with sucks. So you'd think I'd be used to it. But nooooo.

I have a couple of ideas floating around my head right now for my other story. So that's cool.

I came up with like 3 ideas when I at watching Romeo and Juliet last night. How horrible is that? There I was, with Hannah my fabulous friend, taking in a great production of one of the greatest plays ever written--and all I can do is think of the story I have yet to write. Gaah.

My mind totally was not with the play last night. The play itself was great. My only real complaint was that the girl playing Juliet bugged me in the first half. She was Ado Annie in NMU's production of Oklahoma and during the entire first act I kept thinking that she was playing Annie playing Juliet. I wasn't impressed. Her performance improved immensely in the second half, but it still bugged me. The production was fabulous, my mind just totally wandered last night. When Juliet fake-died Hannah was bawling. I was all "lalala--I wonder what my GPA for this semester is gonna be?"


I think I should never consume mass amounts of caffeine before major productions AGAIN. Hehe

I'm quite excited about Hannah returning to NMU though! This excites me. She's on leave from the Navy for a couple of weeks, so she's staying with me for a few nights. Hurrah!

I'm totally blown away that it's the end of the year. I'm getting all mushy and sentimental with everything I do all of a sudden, because it'll probably be the last time I do it for the year. My staff wanted to shoot me at our meeting Friday because I was all sentimental. I was nearly in tears and the rest of them were just like "eh, we all need a break, get over it."

Not that I'm not excited about summer. Cuz I certainly am. But I won't get into that again. Cuz I rambled about it in my last entry.

It's been a while since I wrote my last entry, but I can't think of much to say. Gaah. We had our last NAE meeting Wednesday. A couple of the idiots weren't there, so that was nice. It was sad, though, cuz we bid farewell to our seniors. I didn't realize how much they'd impacted me until that meeting. I was almost crying, Bob was blubbering like an idiot--that was kind of humorous. But in all seriousness, I will miss them. *tear* At least I get to see them one last time tonight at the NAE dinner. That'll be fun. And yay for real food!

Aight, I should get going. I'm hoping we're gonna be leaving this place soon--we've been here for nearly three hours. Not that that's a bad thing, I'm just going slightly stir-crazy. Gaaah!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "My Sharona" by....I don't know--some 80s group

Crush du Jour: intellectual boys

Happy Thought of the Moment: new celly, real food, Hannah up, juicy burgers, steamers, chocolate, long showers, lots of sleep, happy dreams, Romeo and Juliet, Jimmy Fallon, Anna Nichole Show, successful study buck auction, shopping with money that's not mine, hangin' with the boss, completing one short story, nose ring, fun poems, good mixes, my soundtrack to my life, Stitch, What's Your Fantasy, pizza, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, summer almost here, nice weather, cloudy Sundays (my kind of day)

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