It's All Goooooooood [ April 22, 2003, 11:41 pm ]

Stoners crack me up. And simultaneously piss me off as well. They're high a lot. And when they're not high, they think about being high and about WHEN they're gonna get high and only talk about when they were high.

Ok, so stoners annoy me, the more I think about it.

Gaah. Adam brought extra munchies to my room after hall government tonight. We had had a big happy last-hall-meeting party thang tonight. And there was a couple of bags of chips left. So he leaves them in my room. Not more than 10 minutes later, a resident starts hovering outside my door. HOVERING. As in, leaning against the post and peeking his head in in a creepy stalker type of way. I was kind of skeezed out. So I holler at him. He instantly sees the munchies and starts salivating on my carpet. Not impressive. He started begging me to buy them offa me. But I couldn't because they weren't mine to sell--they're the halls. He got SOOO pissed at me. He was almost hollering at me. Cuz I couldn't sell him something that wasn't mine.



Why can't people just be high on life and that's it? Then there wouldn't be nearly as many stupid people in this world.

I have a new cd obsession: Matchbox Twenty's Mad Season. Buy this cd. It's so good. Really it is. I can't stop playing it. I can apply every song to some aspect of my life. It's so fabulous.

Along those lines....yeah, so I'm thinking I over-reacted when I wrote my earlier entry. Well...maybe not over-reacted but just over-emotionalized. Things tend to get out of hand emotionally when I can't just step back and think about them for a bit. That was the situation. All is good now. All I had to do was take a drive to clear my mind.

For those of you who don't know the wonders of driving--it's sooo great. If you need to sort through shit, go for a nice long drive. Blare your favorite music. (I sang everything from Hoku to Tupac to Matchbox Twenty. It was great fun.)

I ended up driving to Champion--it's at least a good 25 minutes from campus. It was sooo therapuetic. It was bliss. Me and my car. And no dumb drivers either. Hurray!

It was a good afternoon.

It's so weird to me that it's so close to the end of the year. I feel kind of bad. Right now I'm just connecting with a bunch of residents. I feel bad. I love my hall, I'm soo gonna miss the atmosphere this summer. At least I'll still be in Marquette and I'll get to chill with Spence and my boss and all my fabulous friends. It's just gonna be weird to have a whole gorgeous apartment to myself and a REAL kitchen and big bathroom and living room. And I'll be able to burn candles. Wheee! I'm pumped about that. And I'll be by the beach. Wait....what am I sad about?

Oh yeah--my hall kicks ass. I will miss that this summer.

But I do need a lot of me time. Here's the plan for this summer:

A.) Read a LOT. I have a large list of books that I plan on devouring as fast as possible. The cable will be turned off (partially cuz I'm all about self-discovery, partially cuz I'm broke). I'm gonna get a library card and frequent that place. It's gonna be great.

B.) Educate myself musically. Yeah yeah--I know I have shitty taste in music, but it makes me happy. But I also think it'd be great to know about the roots of pop music and just about more kinds of music in general, to broaden my horizons. So I've enlisted the help of my friend Steve to enlighten me. Steve is a freakin' music guru. Seriously. I listen to his radio show and he just sounds so intelligent and educated about music--especially the 60s and the 70s. I'm just blown away. He's totally brilliant. And he's gonna mentor me musically. Hurray! I"m really pumped to learn about this. I'm totally ready to expand my horizons. Couldn't hurt, right?

C.) Work out. Get more healthy. I'm investing in a PEIF pass and I will use it. I also plan on taking walks to Presque Isle (maybe even early in the morning to catch the sunrise--ooohhh) frequently too. I'm gonna get healthy. Woohoo! Maybe I'll get a tan too.

D.) Yeah, work. Gaah. Gotta find a job. Gaah. It'll happen. At least my first month of rent is taken care of. (I just paid today and signed the lease and everything. I feel so grownup. Aww yay!)

E.) Spend quality time with my friends. All my closest friends (except for Hannah and Sierra) will be here this summer, so I'm giddily pumped to spend lots of time hanging out with them. I'm quite excited.

That's just an idea of how I'm hoping the summer will go. I'm fairly confident it'll end up like this. I'm quite pumped. I'm sure I'll figure out actual goals for this summer at some point in time, but for now, this is just a slice of what I'm hoping for.

Aight, enough chatter for now. My eyes are barely staying open.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Bed of Lies" by MatchBox Twenty (yup, from the Mad Season cd--hehe)

Crush du Jour: nada really....

Happy Thought of the Moment: cold cereal, fun gov meetings, bonding with the boss (even more!), cute guys, fun photo shoots, Mark my boyfriend (hehe--mwah hon!), educating myself, summer plans, paying rent, talking to mom, good good news, long drives with Rexy, hugs, chocolate, Disney Channel, SNL, flip flops, sunshine, Togos with Em, Madonna day on MTV, black pants, being done with Campaigns, easy homework, long nights of sleep, good dreams, figuring out my emotions, good SPS scores, bonding with residents, spending money

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