Grogginess [ April 30, 2003, 10:20 pm ]

I am mega-bitch hear me roar.


I am sick right now. It sucks aaaasss. I'm not impressed. I woke up with a stuffy head on Monday morning. Then it left until last night. Now it's a full-on cold. Plus I think my spring allergies are kicking in. Not impressive. Gaaah. I've gone through a quarter of a box of tissues in a few days. Wah! And I don't want to take drugs because I want my mind to be semi-clear to finish up my portfolio.

Someone wanna shoot me and take me outta my misery?

Oh I'm gonna be in bed earrrly tonight. That'll be great fun.

Complaint #2: job hunting sucks ass. Ok, so really I shouldn't be complaining yet, but I feel like I'm gonna lose hope fast. I think it's cuz I'm just slightly stressed. I just want a semi-decent summer job--is that too much to ask? I'd love to waitress, but I highly doubt that's gonna happen. As long as I get a job right now, I don't really care. I'd take a job licking people's boots if it meant that I'd get money.

The reason I'm freakin' out about a job all of a sudden? Not cuz of the rent, it's cuz of cable. That's right--CABLE. When the hell did it become so freakin' expensive to have cable?

Yeah yeah--I was going to just cancel my cable for the summer. I figured it'd be a good experience to just turn it off, live without tv for a few months. It'd give me time to read and find myself. Which I still plan on doing, by the way. So Bob and I went to change the billing name to mine today and I was looking at the cable plans, because I still wanted to keep cable internet in the apartment so I have another way to keep in touch with people (besides my celly). Yeah--without a cable tv plan it'd be like $50 to have JUST cable internet. $50 A MONTH. I think that's absurd. So for like $25 more I can get cable TV and cable internet, so I'm doing that. Besides, I'd have to pay some deactivation fee to cancel the cable tv anyway. What the fuck? Either way I'd be screwed money-wise when it came to cable. So I decided to just stick with cable. Which means now instead of the $30 a month bill I innocently thought I'd have for my internet at the apartment, I have a $75 bill. Gaaah.

I'll survive, I KNOW I will. I'm confident. I'll thrive.

I'm just slightly freaked out about the job hunting sitch. I'm praying to the job gods that I can just find a decent job for the summer.


I'd sell my soul if it meant I'd get that waitressing job in Gwinn, cuz I know I'd get hella good money.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see, right?

So I have yet to start packing. Christy made some smart-ass comment about me having a lot of shit to pack and how I should be kind of done by now. I don't have to be out until Tuesday and I'm going to be living like 3 blocks away--do I LOOK worried.

I'm focusing on my Creative Writing portfolio right now. The good news is that I'm done completely with my first story and my poems are semi-complete. The bad news is that I still have to finish my final 3rd project. I'm happy because I think I'm about two-thirds done with it. Or two-thirds done with the rough draft of it. I just don't feel that confident about it. It's very dialogue driven and I don't know if the characters shine through the way I'm hoping they do. I'm kind of basing the story on a couple of real-life Krissy experiences--losely. But still, I don't know. I'm happy with it, but I don't know if my prof will be too happy with it. Then again, I thought he'd hate my first story and he told me it was one of the best things he's read all semester, so who really knows. Hmm.

God I feel so out of it right now. I'm totally drowsy. And I should work on my third story, pound something out to have a rough draft to work with. It's a good idea, a good intention. All I really wanna do is crawl into my bed though. I took a nap earlier this evening and I almost didn't get out of bed. I had to drag my ass out from under the covers. That's a sign of sleep deprivation my friend. Not good. I think I will hit the sack really early tonight. That way I can wake up semi-early, shower and go drop off a bunch of my job applications. Sounds like a good plan.

Totally lookin' forward to tomorrow night: I'm going bowling with my mentor and her kids. That'll be so fun. I love her and her family. It's sad because it'll be the last thing that we do. Suckage. I've learned a lot from her though, so I'm happy about that. I hope we'll be able to keep in touch after this. That'd be sweet. (Note to self: get Kristi a thank you gift and card. I'm thinkin' a certificate to the Casa would be good.)

God, I need to go. I'm gonna try to pound out more of my story, but who the hell knows. I'll probably end up zonking out soon.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: commercials on MTV

Crush du Jour: Johnny Knoxville (I was watching the Jackass movie earlier--hell yeah!)

Happy Thought of the Moment: feeling accomplished, hot showers, having financial aide shit done, new celly, Frat Life, cable for summer, good recommendations, happy cds, visiting with friends, wearing flipflops, scrapbooking, independence (ooh yeah!), summer almost here, easy exams, cold water, kitchen all to myself, bitch Adam (this is a good thing--he's so wonderful), caffeine, lots of sleep

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