Robbin' the Cradle [ July 06, 2004, 3:27 pm ]

Ok I think I figured something out.

We all know that I'm the biggest gay beacon in the history of ever. Gay men seek me out, they flock to me, I am their queen. That's fabulous. Whatever there.

Around 2:53 pm today, I had another revelation. A brand new one. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

The older men likey the Krissy. I'm dead serious when I say this.

A guy that's honestly twice my age was ogling/hitting on me this morning. (In all my a.m. splendor, nonetheless--crusty, droopy eyes, bad breath, crud hair...). The 30-year-old hobbit lookalike (it's a good thing, trust me) has been even nicer to me than usual. And random older guy (who reminded me of Joe from Empire Records--natch) tried to coerce me into a deep conversation as I got off the elevator for lunch.

Maybe it's the glasses. They make me actually look semi-intelligent. Maybe it's the glowy aura I'm still sporting due to the awesome Mayer concert. Maybe it's my PMS "glow." (Which, FYI, I've never been happier to get my period. The timing is perfect--right in between my two road trips. Fabulous!)

Maybe I'm just out of my mind. Which can be an attractive quality as well. Gaah. Who knows.

All I know is that I think God is playing a cruel joke on me. I'm destined to not have a relationship with a straight person my. own. age. This is what I'm getting out of today. When did I become God's jester? And the worlds?


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Bigger Than My Body" by John Mayer

Crush du Jour: My bed--I. NEED. A. Nap.

Happy Thought of the Moment: Mayer on the radio, slushies, pizza, Midol, naps, talking to Mel, Strawberry Fest this weekend

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