reality check [ July 07, 2004, 9:19 am ]

I had a sad sad revelation at 1:30 last night. Actually, it started at precisely 9:47 last night.

I, Krissy, am addicted to reality television. Obsessively addicted to reality t.v. actually.

This occurred to me as I was watching Last Comic Standing and praying that jerk-ass Ant would get queeny ass sent home ASAP. Emily and I were religiously praying for the other guy (I cannot remember his name at the moment--Gary? Greg? Gaah!) to win. I didn't think he would.

We called each other like four times in a twelve minute span to discuss the show's "developments." The last time we called, Em's phone didn't even ring before she picked up. We were crying near tears of happiness that Ant lost. That's how obsessive I am with this show.

(For anyone who cares, I predict that Alonzo, Tammy or the Gary/Greg guy will take it. They're the funniest, quickest of the comics on the show.)

This is not the only reality show that I'm hooked on. Ooh no. I've been a loyal Real World watcher since the Hawaii season. Road Rules is a new favorite of mine. I adore Made on MTV because it inspires me. True Life always sucks me in. I'd marry any of the guys from Queer Eye and will zone out with that any chance I get. This past weekend I got sucked into Blow Out on Bravo. And I was a huge fan of Joe Millionaire.

Yes, I am pathetic. Reality tv is about all I watch. Besides, Disney Channel and Comedy Central that is.

Maybe if I stopped watching others' lives on tv I'd have an actual life of my own.

What a novel thought. Huh.

Shiiit. I think I just broke the online filing system. How I have not been fired yet is totally beyond me. Gaaaah. Really, though. Technology should make our jobs easier and more efficient, not harder and more stressful. Stupid computer equipment. Gaah.

I'm getting my hair cut today. Words cannot express how excited I am about this. I realize my hair has grown. But it feels like only the bottom layer has truly done anything, which makes the rest of my hair look like a mullet if I don't take the time to make it look all cute-like. I want a lower maintenance style, that was the whole point of me wanting to grow my hair out in the first place. And I want to look like a girl. If my stylist doesn't give my texture and choppiness and a cute style, I may have to cut her. And go elsewhere.

Pray for me.

And pray for Marquette. There's a rumor that President Bush will be visiting here next week to campaign. Part of me is sad I'll be in Chicago then. It'd be cool to see him and you know--give him the finger or something. Or at least send bad karma vibes his way.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "so Yesterday" by Hilary Duff (I adore her cd--so fun)

Crush du Jour: Ewan McGregor (him in Big Fish--mmmm!)

Happy Thought of the Moment: bday plans, Madonna in a week, being motivated at work, reality tv, hoodies, good times with friends, Strawberry Fest this weekend, postcards from friends, sleep, Midol, caffeine rushes

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