Viva Martinis [ December 03, 2004, 11:40 am ]

A word of advice to all you kiddies out there: drinking a very strong cosmopolitan and then following it with a double malibu and coke and a pepperminty shot does not make for a very harmonious karaoke singer. At. All.

But, dammit, you shall have fun at karaoke nights with me and ma posse' if you joined us.

Humph. I have phlegm. Still. Gross, I know. But ewww. Really. Eeewww. Go away ick. I don't want you here anymore. And I'm sure that my phlegm-hackage isn't charming the pants off of anyone either.

So that paper that I had to do for my seminar? Arrrrgh! Most. Frutrating. Paper. In the recent history of ever. First there was the topic-thinking-up and shooting-down because--damn me!--I wanted to be unique and a bit original. Then once I decided to do the topic that I'd had in mind ALL SEMESTER, I got massive writing block. The muses decided to laugh at me all Wednesday night. I'd write something then delete it. After this went on for like three hours, I went to bed. I ended up frantically writing it during my desk shift, like two hours before it was due. I don't know why it was so hard. But it was. It literally took seven or so hours to pound this out. Maybe it's because I'm a perfectionish. Maybe I just didn't have "vision." Whatever. It's done. Maybe I'll post on my live-journal for feedback. I need it. Gaah.

I should get ready to greet the day. And a busy one it is: lunch date, budget putting-together, meeting, dinner somewhere in there, and then the drag show! Wooo! I'm so diva-ing out for that. It's gonna be a good day.

Ciao, dahling!


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