Drop It [ December 01, 2004, 11:27 am ]

I just heard an interesting and disheartening statistic. Only 2% of women in the US think that they're beautiful. Now I don't know if that's really accurate, I would hope that it'd be a much higher percentile than that, but now that I think about it, it just sounds right. At least with my reasoning.

My question is--what the fuck is wrong with women? Nobody in this world is truly heinous, no matter what some people may say. Yet, 98% of women don't think that they're beautiful in some way, shape or form? That makes me really sad.

Maybe it's time that we re-shaped our idea of what is beautiful. Beauty doesn't mean that you have to be a size two, or have long hair or a perfect smile or twinkly eyes. Beauty can mean funky hair or a quirky laugh or a great individualistic sense of style or ample hips. Beauty is in everyone.

Now people just need to wake up and realize that, dammit.

In other news, I have massive writer's block. My last piece for Non-fiction seminar is due tomorrow. It's memoirs. I was thinking of doing a piece about being a fruit fly, but I think I've done the comedic bit a little too much this semester. Then I thought I'd talk about my fam's divorce. Except that could be a huge topic, albeit very therapeutic. I could do something about my mom, my cars, road trips or being a band geek, but these are all topics that we've brushed on in class and I'd like to think that I'm at least slightly original. I have ideas, but nowhere to go with them. Right now, I'm leaning towards the divorce idea because I'd like to experiment with a different writing style. I want to blow the professor away and I think I'd be able to do it with this. the other direction could be a more quasi-humorous, quasi-Hallmarky fruit fly piece. Who knows. Maybe I'll whip up one of each, post them and have my adoring audience decide which to turn in.

I'd better haul ass. Gaaah.

Snoop's on Ellen right now. Is it just me or is he a media-whore? This "drop it" song is highly over-rated, too. It annoys me.

Some things don't annoy me. Some things are highly under-rated. In no particular order, here are the things that are under-rated:

- Jelly Belly jelly beans: oh gaaawd. Do you even understand how these are the greatest snackage-y foods ever? They are, fyi.
- Emily: for she is makin' me something for my NYC scrapbook and thus far it kicks ASS. As does she.
- hoodies: I don't own enough. I *heart* them even in winter when I throw on a scarf with them.
- scarves: it's winter. They're warm, they're fun, they're even whimsical. I don't have enough. Seriously.
- apple juice: it helped nurse me back to health during my sinus infection. I need to drink more of this fabulous concoction.
- scrapbooking: because it's a great creative outlet and it feels so good to create something from paper and a picture or two. You have no idea.
- Marc Broussard: his cd kicks ass. The best $10 I've spent all year.

I'm going back to bed. Five hours of sleep does not a happy KiKi make.

Ciao, dahling!


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