Unexpected Time [ June 22, 2002, 11:19 pm ]

This is niiiiice. I was supposed to baby-sit until like 1 in the morning, which would totally sucked ass, but instead I got to come home at 10! Yay!!! It was fabulous. The baby was happy and smily and in a playful mood, then he zonked out. So I got to chill out and watch the Disney Channel. How fabulous! Fabby-fab-fab-fab!

Ummm.......so I haven't talked to Mr. Crush in like forever. It kinda makes me nervous. =/ We keep missing each other online, which bums me out. But no worries--I'm telling him next weekend! Hurray! Cheers to bein' brave, right? Em is making sure that I go through with this. "I wanna see this actually happen." So she's coming with me. I'm not gonna say much more about what's gonna happen--the details will come later, I promise!

I gotta go. I need to shower and get some sleep. Work early in the morning--gotta love it, hey? Grr. Oh well. Ciao, dahling!


Living out my rockstar fantasy to: No music--but Seinfeld's on so it's all good!

Crush Du Jour: Will Smith, Jimmy Fallon and Mr. Crush *double grins*

Happy Thought of the Moment: Getting new glasses, happy babies, Stitch, SNL, massages, getting an extra hour of sleep!

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