Quick Entry [ June 22, 2002, 5:24 pm ]

GAAAAHHH!! So I was being stubborn and attempting to change my html on this thing. It didn't work too well. And I had to reformat my stupid entry thingy. Grrr. Oh well. It looks like it did before--actually I think I improved it so it's all good.

HEATHER'S HOME!! Yay! I'm way psyched. I stopped by her house last night to welcome her home. I was supposed to to hang out with her last night at a party, but I didn't go. (Well I went actually, but left when I couldn't figure if things were still going and if people were still there. Whatev.)

In other news: it's hot here. Summer's here! Yay! Mugginess sucks, but I'd rather have this than snow ANYDAY. So I won't complain. Unlike everyone else.

I gotta get going. I have to go and get ready to babysit. Yay! Lounging in an air-conditioned house while watching Disney Channel with a cute little kid. How fab!

Ciao, dahling!


Since I don't have the gold membership (yet--hopefully) I'm gonna make up my own little field thingy to inform peeps of my up-to-date environment......

Living Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "Someday" by Sugar Ray (Ooohh...Mark McGrath!!!)

Crush Du Jour: See Above *grin*

Happy Thought of the Moment: Air Conditioning. yay!

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