Twinkle On [ December 20, 2003, 11:56 pm ]

Things that make me happy at this moment:

~The SNL on--Best of Will Ferrel...Volume 2. Because this guy is so freakin' hilarious that they needed to do TWO "best of" shows for him. That and the fact that he was in so many skits that they could do like 5 "best of" shows for him.

~candles. Cuz I can burrrrn them for the time I'm at home. So nice. Fire is gooood.

~The Lipstick Chronicles Volume I--good good book. Kinda cheesy/sleazy with the sex stuff, but a good, frothy KiKi-read.

~baths. The other thing that I cannot do while I'm at school. Mmm...warm bubbly enticing.

I got to spend quality time with Em last night. I love that girl sooo much. We really are twin souls. Probably cuz we're so retarded when we're together. Highlights of our girly night include ripping on Army of Darkness a LOT (come on! has anyone see how many mistakes are in this movie? Although it would make a really REALLY good drinking game movie...), making fun of Michael Jackson (JACKO SHABAZ EL NEVERLAND!!!), and just acting like the complete dorks we are.

Um, yeah, it was just really really nice that I got out of my house for the night. Yeah.

Then today, my mom, Em and I saw Mona Lisa Smile. Oh my GOD. Such a good movie. Total chick flick, but I adore those so it's all good. I was so inspired by it. I can tell this is going to be a favorite of mine, one to click on whenever I'm feeling in need of inspiration. Everyone gave amazing performances. I felt conflicted cuz Kirsten Dunst is one of my favorite actresses and she was playing a bitch. I didn't know what to think. No worries--you'll like her in the least I did. I won't blab about it too much, but I really enjoyed it. The end had me crying, even though I thought I was doing it discreetly. That is, until Em practically shoved a tissue in my face. My bad.

After that Mom went to the Medical Care Facility where Grandma is. She's been there since 3. She's still there. She called about an hour and a half ago. They think she's going to pass away for real tonight.

Sadness. I know that I've been whining and bitching about it all week, but after Mom called I cried. I'm going to miss Grandma. She had a quiet grace and strength. I can see where Mom got it from. It's just sad to see a ghost of such a strong person. I haven't been to see her since Tuesday, but even then it was hard--all she could do was moan and her hair was falling out and her eyes were glazed over. It's not quite the way I want to remember my grandma.

Just keep my family in your thoughts. No clever retorts, no funny anecdotes. It's a somber moment for me.

Ciao dahling!


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