How It Happens,I Don't Know... [ December 21, 2003, 12:37 am ]

Aight, so I just updated like 15 minutes ago, but I just felt the urge to write again. And for good reason.

Before I go on, though...go and read my last entry--it gets you up to speed on everything that's been going on in my boring-ass Chassell-bound life.

But yeah...carrying on.....

So I have this feeling. Shut up. I know we've all felt it at some point in time or another. It's that feeling that you get when you just know that something big is going to happen.

Can anyone relate?

Maybe I'm just crazy. But in the pit of my stomach and the depths of my soul, I just know that something something is going to happen.

Something gooood.

(Not that I can tell that for sure, but it's the exciting, butterflies-jumping-around/ lump-in-your-throat kind of instinct.)

Something big is on the horizon, folks. There are good things ahead for KiKi.

And I don't want to jump the gun--and I probably shouldn't even mention anything cuz it'll fuck things up, but whatever--but for some odd reason I keep thinking that maybe maybe it could perhaps possibly be a guy? Hummm....not that I have time for a guy or anything.

Whatever. All I know is that there's butterflies somersaulting in my stomach and a lump in my throat.

Maybe I am just crazy. But...I don't know. I can't describe it. I just feel listless and excited. Something is going to happen. Mark my words. Just watch....


I cannot wait.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: SNL--Best of Will Ferrel 2

Crush du Jour: Sean W. Scott, John Mayer, Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment: this...amazingly indescribable, exhilerating feeling. Just watch, I'm telling you.

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