Like This and Like That Yo [ February 06, 2004, 1:25 am ]

Mmm....chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese had got to be one of the greatest inventions in the history of culinary achievements. Oh yeah. God, I've been snacking so much lately. I honestly think I had four meals today. FOUR. Usually I'm lucky to grab one. None of them were healthy either. Gaah. I am such a pig.

But--I have a new favorite restaurant. The Vierling is fa-bu-lous. The atmosphere was great, it reminded me of the Library restaurant (my all-time favorite place to eat), plus the food was delicious. I'll definitely be going back again.

Jason Mraz is quirky. I'm saying this cuz his video is on MTV right now.I kind of like his cd, but it's too perky and not deep enough for me. I'm just used to John Mayer-esque thought-provoking lyrics and songs you can just chill to and with Jason you can't. Most of his tracks annoy me. But I do enjoy "You and I Both." The video's the shit. I love how they make a production number of the bank robbing scene. Kick ass.

I almost made a girl cry today in Non-Fiction class. I'm sorry, but her profile piece sucked. It really did. It read like a cheesy romance novel. The material had the possibility of being good, but it wasn't. It was way too flowery and wordy and jumpy. It was bad. I know what I like. It wasn't that. I told her to do more showing and less telling and her face squigged up like she was going to cry. THAT is why you shouldn't write on a subject that you're really close to. She chose her mother for crying out loud. She broke a cardinal rule. If she can do that then I can speak my mind.

I love being a bitch. I've reclaimed the word so that it now has a positive connotation. I won't be pushed around, so if I get called that, I take it to mean I'm a strong girl. Hell yeah.

Ooh, I want The Buzz cds. They have a ton of songs from high school on them: Closing Time, What It's Like, The Freshman, Zombie, Sex and Candy, Take a Picture. I must own this cd set. Or at least figure out the set list so I can dl the songs and burn my own copy of it. Me so bad.

My thought process is so jumpy tonight. My bad. I apologize if this entry is confusing. I'm just all over the place. I think I'm just happy it's the weekend. I love weekends. Something good always happens. And I usually go shopping. I really should just stop spending money. But it's fun. And I can. And now I need new shoes.

Oh god--my zipper broke off of one of my black boots the other day. I didn't care when I was dressing yesterday, I wanted to look cute so I somehow managed to get the zipper up on the boot. (The hangy thingy broke off the zipper, so it's really not broke. It just fell off. But still. Boo.) After NAE last night, though, I was trying to get my boot off and the zipper stuck cuz the hangy thingy wouldn't come off. Not good not good. In a panic I started banging my foot against the wall--I guess I figured if my foot was throbbing it'd make it easier to get the boot off. Didn't work. Then I tried to hobble to the bathroom (I needed to pee) and I had one shoe on, one shoe off and I slipped on the tile cuz of my sock and nearly knocked myself unconscious. Once in the bathroom though, I had the ingenious idea to stick a bobby pin or safety pin through the zipper thing to maybe force it down. It worked. Woohoo! My throbbing foot was freed.

Just call me the female McGyver.

Oh--why wasn't I born with the domesticated gene? My staff was making fun of me tonight. Spencer was like "hon, we just look at you and know you're not domestic material." And Brett was laughing at me last weekend too. What? I don't look like a housewife?!? Ponder that.

It's a compliment I know, but the 50s Stepford Wife part of me got mad. I know I suck a baking and cleaning. I'm better at talking and accessorizing. Hmm. We can't all be insubordinates. Mwahaha.

I need to go to bed.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "My Immortal" by Evanescence

Crush du Jour: John Mayer (ooh you haven't seen my new poster. Oooh it's beautiful!!)

Happy Thought of the Moment: grilled cheese, new favorite restaurants, laughing at ghetto-wannabe white boys, un-painted toenails, getting to see mommy tomorrow, 87% on my econ test, editing papers, done with OAR press release, MTV actually playing music videos, short staff meetings, soft blankets, shiny nail polish, good possible weekend plans, graham crackers and peanut butter, Lizzie marathon on V-day, Vagina Monologues (who wants in?), getting commended for doing a good job, getting shit done, lots of sleep last night, hot showers, Maroon 5's new video (hot DAMN!)

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