I Cannot Stand the Way You Tease [ February 04, 2004, 10:45 am ]

I feel like I rarely update anymore. I'm such an LJ whore now. Boo to me.

Yesterday was sheer hell. I had tests in Econ and Communication Theory. There's like 4 things wrong with that. Needless to say, I was beyond stressed. Erin saw me after my Non-Fiction class and all she could say was "whoa." Apparently I look like hell when I'm stressed.

I realized that not only do I wear my heart on my sleeve, my thoughts and soul accessorize them well there. Hmm. Not that this is a bad thing (really I think it's a good thing), but people can always tell what I'm thinking and feeling. I can't hide anything. Not that I have anything to hide. I'm just totally blantant 99.9999 % of the time. And I can't lie for shit. I'm cursed to never play poker. Boo.

But yeah--the tests sucked so bad. My head still hurts just thinking about them. We're supposed to get the results back from the Econ test in class today. That fucker was way harder than I thought. The prof reviewed and gave us example questions and I thought I was totally ready for it. I could analyze graphs and spout off the laws of supply and demand like none other. I knew the equation for elasticity and could figure it out easily. Did I need to know any of that? Um, no. It was mostly about the philosophy of Econ. What. The. Fuck?!? How will that get us anywhere on Wall Street? "Well stock prices may go down, Miss Jones, but according to the economic way of thinking you shouldn't panic too much because if cows rain down and skirt hems go higher you'll be a bazilloinaire." Whatever. I'm irked. If I did bad it's really not my fault. I studied what I thought I needed to study. He never said to pour over the chapters and take in every little detail. Bastard.

Let's not even talk about the Communication exam. The only thing I kept thinking while taking it was "$4 Long Islands, $4 Long Islands." I'm such a lush. But Brett, Christy and I had an uber-good time at the UpFront afterwards last night. Happiness.

There was a girl there. All I have to say is not fair. She was at least 6'2. At least. Long blonde hair. She was quite pretty. Not fair. Why is it that some girls get the hot and tall gene while others are stuck with the short and quirky gene? Shouldn't the hot and tall genes be spread around for all girls to reap benefit of? I'm jealous. And pouty. I wanna be tall. And uber-hot. I'm officially the shallowest person on campus, ladies and gentlemen. I think I just reached a new low here. Humm.

Ooohhh--we might be going to Tech on Friday for Winter Carnival. Excitement!!! I'd get to see mommy and eat at my favorite restaurant. KiKi happyyyyy.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Tainted Love" by Soft Cell (God bless the 80s!!)

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: mommy feeling way better, Tech possibilities, shoe shopping this weekend, seeing friends, long islands, fresh clean laundry, sunny days, comfy sweaters, hell day Monday and fuck day Tuesday over with, Sunkist fruit snacks, new stereo, fun mixes, fun pix from this weekend, hugs, Starbucks, chick lit, fabulous friends, having good wrist action

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