Buzzin' Like Neon [ February 01, 2004, 2:29 am ]

My room is fucking cold. I swear to GOD it's the portal to Antarctica. What the fuck. I'm like the most cold blooded person to roam this earth and I get stuck with the coldest room EVER. I'm thinking that's not so fair.

Joe came up today!! WOOHOOOO!!! I cannot even describe how excited I am about this. True it was only for tonight (him and his uber-cool mom travelled here to get the rest of his large large large furniture outta storage), but I was still pumped. We did a photo session out at Presque before the sun set then had dinner at UpFront. Mmmm....the food there is so freakin' good. I had some Asian-esque beef dish tonight. Totally yummy. And they have this spicy cheese and bread fondue-esque appetizer. tummy's rumbling just thinking about it now.

I need food. This always happens after I go out.

Erin, Joe and I checked out the Matrixx tonight. Fucking awesome. Thank God for an alternative to the damned Shammy, that's all I have to say. There's actually room to move and dance and groove. And ther's two bars so it doesn't take forever to get drinks. Woo woo to that fact alone. True, when you walk in it looks like a community center, but with some paint and decorating, this place could seriously kick ass. I guess there's going to be two more floors or something like that. Kick assss. I have a new favorite place in Marquette.

Before venturing there, the three of us went to My Place for pre-party drinks. God bless the bartender for free yummy shots. Mmmm. It was packed which was SO odd for that place. I mean, Christ, it's in the Holiday Inn. But it was pretty busy, full of old people. Mullets, bad mall bangs, bikers. Really, there was some biker soiree' thingy going on. One of the guys going into the bathroom began hollering at us as we walked into the bar. I was a little frightened. Then like 10 minutes later, a guy sitting ON the bar fell to the floor. THAT was funny. To see a 50something-year-old guy just tumble to the carpet was sheer entertainment. Yeah. I'm mean.

The Matrixx afterwards was sweeeet. If you hear bad things about it, just go and see for yourself. Cuz my friends said it sucked but then they were back there tonight, so really, it can't suck badly if they return, no? I loved it anyways. And I have good taste. Trust me.

Everyone was there. Like my whole posse': my girls from Aspen, Joe, a bunch of my gay boys, Steph, a lot of housing people. It was faaabulous.

Erin and I had our own little soap opera going on with Bob and Joe. Bob wanted in Joe's pants, Joe wanted none of that. Bob whined all evening, Joe laughed. Erin and I just sat back and watched. I *heart* drunk gay boys.

One a random note my ass got grabbed a LOT tonight. Mostly by my boys,but still. It was funny.

Some random boys were hollering at me on the dance floor too. I know this probably shouldn't be a confidence booster, but it is. I'm a hottie! Woo woo to me.

It was a good night. Many friends seen, many connections remade. Happiness ensues.

Along those lines, it's kind of weird. I was thinking that I didn't really have that many guy friends (well...not gay guy friends) and now suddenly I do. I've reconnected with some old friends in the past weeks and met some new ones lately too. I'm NOT complaining, I really honestly think it rocks. I was thinking that I needed more guy friends to balance me and maybe help me find zen. Voila!

My life is fabulous.

Oh--My mom's doing way better too. According to Katy, that is. (The dork made me wait until like 8 pm to give me an update. I was dying to know if mom was ok. She is. Thank God. Thanks to all who've let me cry on their shoulder, spazz out, freak out, be retarded or just talk.

I'm babbling now. I think this means I need to go to sleep. I'll allow MTV videos to lull me into a coma.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "overdrive" by Katy Rose (this could be my new theme song--soooo fabulous)

Crush du Jour: any of the MANY hottie boys I saw tonight

Happy Thought of the Moment: Mom feeling better, shopping with Brett, cd hunting, Joe here, yummy dinner, clubbing, hot guys, dancing, seeing all my fabu friends, dl-ing some new shiznit, comfy jammies, sleep, night sky, cool-looking moon, massages, six-packs (on a guy--shut up), MTV videos, hearing John Mayer on the radio, accomplishing shiznit, an all-around fabu night

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