I WANNA TaTToooo!!! [ June 05, 2002, 12:24 pm ]

Dreams are so weird. Soooo weird sometimes. Ever just wake up and want to analyze that you've just had? Yeah, that's me right now. I had some interesting dreams last night. One involved me and my guy (ok, so he's not "my guy" persay, but I can hope, right?) and we were quite blissful and going out and all that good stuff. Then he met my family and wanted to run. Now I may not be a dream expert, but I can tell you that that is NOT a good sign. Then I was a guy in another dream. That was kinda cool. And contrary to what I believed about guys, they do get emotional. Brahahaha

Last night was fabulous. I went to dinner with Val, my old high school friend. We were there for 2 hours just catching up. It was great. Then we went and visited some other old classmates. Yay!!! The only downer? The Wings lost. GRRRRRRR!!! I am soooo pissed about that. I wanted to throw my cell phone at the tv when the Hurricanes won. GRR.

Val and I were talking about tatoos last night. I want one now. Soooo bad. But really. Where would I put it? I was thinking the shoulder blade but I like to wear halter tops and tank tops and so I couldn't cover it up that easily if I wanted to. Then I was thinking the hip. That may work. But I want to be able to show it off when I want and I don't exactly showcase my hips all the time. It has to be in a place that I'll be able to cover up when I get into the business world cuz I'm sure that it wouldn't fly with high-power executives.

I really really really really want one though. The more I think about it the more I want one. AHHH! Perhaps I will get one. Before I go back to Northern. I think that'd be the shit. To be like "Yeah I worked and chilled and tanned...oh yeah--and I got a tattoo." Hmmmm. This may be become one of my life goals. I'm really holding back because of the pain. I'm a huge huuuuuge wuss. But I think I could tough it out for half an hour or so. If my friends can handle it I'm sure I could! I think I just made this one of my life goals. AHHH!

hehehe--I feel quite mischievious right now. I'm gonna go look up tattoo places now. Brahahahahahaha! Be afraid!

Ciao, dahling!


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