My Leisurely, Fabu Day [ June 05, 2002, 11:55 pm ]

Lesson of the day: things are only boring if you THINK they'll be boring. I thought that tonight was gonna totally suck ass and be boring. Nope. I decided to not make it that way. I had dinner with my family--which is an adventure in and of itself. It ended with Katy and I dancing around the kitchen and doing karate/cheerleading moves. We were laughing so hard we nearly fell over. The dog wasn't too impressed. I don't think that mom really was either.

So then later I took a drive all by myself out to Baraga. That was sooo nice. Just me and my car. During the sunset which was so amazingly beautiful tonight. I went and got food from the Root Beer Stand (formerly A&W). I miss that place during the winter and when I'm in Marquette. They have the BEST root beer and cheese nugggets there. Total, complete happy thought. The reason for the drive was so that I could just think and sort some things out. I think I'm a little better now. But mostly I just jammed to my music. Which is ohsomuch fun in the car. It's entertaining to see others' reactions as you're car-dancing. Hehehehehe

So yeah...then I just kinda chilled and watched like 2 hours of Friends. I am sooo lazy. But it was fun. I didn't just buy those DVD's for nothing! I gotta put them to good use, right?

And so now I'm online. And I'm talking to friends and people that I like. It's so fabulous. Today was just nice. Actually...all my past 3 days off have been nice. Really nice. I don't wanna go back to work tomorrow. Waah! But I need money, so I gotta go. And work is fun. Just really tiring.

Lalala...yeah, so somebody signed my guestbook, but didn't leave their name. Which did NOT impress me at all. I thought that it was Em with another of her silly entries (just go and read my guestbook--and sign it if you want!--her entries are the silly movie quotes--they're sacred. It's a silly, dorky thing that we do.). So I called her and asked what the heck was up with that entry. What movie is that from? And she's like "I haven't signed it lately." So now I'm freaked out. "You have to guess." what is that?? Actually I have an idea. MELISSA. If you are reading this chicky you better let me know if it's you that did it. You're the only person I know that knows a little bit of Finnish--and I KNOW that boyga is "boy" in Finn. So I'm hoping that it's her.'s kind of a nice little entry. Encouraging. If it means that I can get the guy. If not...yeah, I'll be officially creeped out. Whoever it is, just tell me please!!!! Thanks for signing, now lemme know. Hehehehe. I'm trying to get the guy--believe me.

Here it is folks--another happy list:

~My quote book: it has some classic quotes in it

~"Your aura would knock him down!" This is directly from Emily when we were talking about me vibing to Sex God earlier in the year. I enjoy this quote greatly. I think of it as a compliment, as only Em can so eloquently say it.

~The smell of fresh cut grass

~Cute tank tops

~Having a quiet car

~Not being broke

~Friends: this show will ALWAYS make me laugh, no matter how moody or crabby or bitchy or depressed or PMS-y I am

~People who IM you out of the blue: cuz (hehehe)someone did that tonight and just made my week

~Cool breezes

~Catching up with old friends

~Fresh brewed root beer

~Leisurely car rides

~My fishy

~Pudding Pops: even though I haven't had them in AGES. (Do they still market or make these?)

~Harry Potter: So I have yet to watch my copy of this movie, but it still makes me eternally happy

~The prospect of getting a tattoo: mom isn't too pissed about the idea. She just refuses to talk about it--which I'll just think of as a sign that she's gonna relent eventually. Hehe

~The Red Wings: they WILL win. THEY WILL WIN! (Or else I'll cry....a whoooole lot)

~Cute guys: cuz I've been seeing a lot of them around lately. And it's sooo happy

~Me being brave: I WILL take a shot at love. I WILL I WILL I WILL (God help me pleeeeease!)

I get to go to sleep now. Not that I'm tired. I think that I actually slept for 12 hours last night. Which is sooo nice. But so unnecessary. heheheh Oh well. Until next time...

Ciao, dahling!


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