Bliss, NYC, and the Dentist [ June 04, 2002, 1:47 pm ]

It's yet another rainy day in Chassell. Which is ok. I am not complaining. Nope nope not at all. I'm chilling watching soaps and I'm in my jammies. The smell of marinated steak is wafting in from the kitchen. This is so fabulous. I feel so greedy and self-indulgent just chilling out, doing absolutely nothing. I'm not used to just relaxing. Usually I have a bazillion things on my mind and I'm running around trying to finish or start or do at least half of those thoughts. At least it's like that at school. But it's ok cuz I'm on vacation. VACATION!! What a delicious word. I'm quite content right now.

Hannah and I have been discussing our NYC trip. We wanna go during Spring Break '03. It looks completely feasible. Totally and utterly doable. One dream is in reach. I ADORE New York even though I have never been there. The commotion, the chaos, the lights, the drama, the sagas, the people, the events--everything!!! I'm so psyched. This is gonna kick some major boo-tay!!! Eeeee!!

In other news: I went to the dentist this morning. That was fun. At least I didn't have any cavities. Thank God. And Katy was sooo smug and sure that I'd have like 5. HA HA. None. Nada. Zip. So na na na naaa! I'm feeling quite smug myself right now. :D

Nothing else is happening right now. Mel and Em are assisting me in my romantic leap of faith plan. Oooh boy. Everybody--start praying or blessing or wishing or hoping for me, cuz I'm sure I am going to need it. I keep picturing the scenario over and over in my head. All with different outcomes--mostly happy which HAS to be a good sign, right? Yeah....KiKi's a little afraid right now. OK, a lot afraid. But it WILL happen. I will NOT chicken out. Cuz I never want to have to ask "what if?"

Enough for the moment. I'm gonna go and nap away the afternoon. Awww!

Ciao, dahling!


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