Sunday Nights--They Don't HAVE to Suck [ June 10, 2002, 1:23 pm ]

Lalalalaaaa! There are the hottest guys on All My Children: Mateo (mmmmmmmm--THE sexiest), Leo, Ryan (mmm--a close second!) It's just a happy happy show. Even the scheming weasel lawyer dude whose name I cannot remember is pretty hot. So yeah. I'm pretty blissful right now.

Pookie and I went out to dinner last night. It was sooo much fun. We went to the Library, which is the BEST restaurant in town. We were there for like 3 hours. It was kinda funny. And we spent sooo much money too. I think I spent all of the money I made on tips yesterday just eating dinner. But I ate scallops, and I'd never had them before, so it was awesome. And they were soooo yummy! Then for dessert we had creme caramel. Katy and I pretended that we were snooty rich people while we were eating it. Dinner was just sooo nice. We talked a lot and had fun. Sisterly bonding time. How sweet. Quite Hallmark Moment-y.

AND I got to talk to the fabulous Joe last night. I miss him sooo much. The other day I was driving and I just started thinking about him and I teared up. It's just really hard for me to be apart from the people I really love and care about. But I got to talk to him for like half an hour last night, so that totally made my week. He may come up in Marquette for a few days in the middle of July. YAY!!! I will totally take time off to go and see him. That'd kick such major ass. =)

AND (dude my night was just rockin' hey?) I actually watched my Harry Potter DVD last night. It's a miracle! Em has been harassing me for not watching it. Excuse me! I've been busy so neh! :p But yeah, Katy and I watched it last night. That movie is so cute. (K, just a little sidenote--Erika's hair is really ugly. It looks like a female mullet teased with 5 pounds of hairspray.) Then I was watching the bonus DVD. Dude, it took like an hour to get to the freakin' bonus footage! It was so retarded. Like parents are gonna be able to find this bonus footage for their kids. It was fun exploring this stuff, but it was incredibly frustrating. Em was like "you're NEVER gonna find it." So I was determined to. And I did. Here's a little hint for those of you frustrated with the bonus stuff--go to the classroom section of the disc. Go from there. It's not that bad, just slightly irritating.

So that's what's happening in my life right now. I supposed I should get off my duff and get motivated for the day. (Oh--the weasly lawyer's name on AMC is Trey. He is sex-ay!) I didn't wake up till noon. That was great. So now I have to make an eye appointment, go to the bank, send out BMG and cell phone bills, go to HallMark (for Operation: Get Guy), and perhaps buy a package to go and fake-and-bake. So I'll be leaving now. Wish me luck in getting motivated! Ciao, dahling!!!


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