Sunday-ness..... [ November 03, 2002, 11:37 pm ]

Ergh. That's all I have to say. For not really having any plans for today, it sure as hell has been a busy day.

Yeah. There were my two programs tonight. How did they go you may ask? Oh, they went fabulous. Right. Well.....the Scheduling Party went great at least.

(OK, just to get off the topic for a moment, I'm watching Sunday Night Sex Show on Oxygen. A--the old lady hosting is sooo funny. She's not embarassed about anything. It's great. B--she's at some kinky convention right now. Let's just say....Pussy Pop.)

Anyways...yes, the party was good. Quite a few people showed up. Yay! It was totally Mo's baby, so I give her all the credit. It went well. We got rid of all the hoards of ice cream we had. Yay!

(OK, now she's trying out a sex swing. Whooooa. If you haven't seen this show, this lady is AT LEAST 70 years old. She looks like your grandma and she's trying out a SEX SWING. No shit.)

But the prof bash. I was so excited this afternoon because a lot of residents said they were going to show up. I envisioned a big group of people laughing and sharing crazy professor stories. Well it was like that, but only with like 10 people. Waah! And they were all from HAC. Waaaah! Not that that is a bad thing, but my HAC members are the ones that are involved in everything. Which is great and wonderful, but they're not the only ones I'm attempting to reach. Grr

Well at least people showed up. They're so wonderful. Lalala

Other than that...I've spent the entire day doing homework and stuff. AP stuff. I had to do peer evals and stuff. Gaaah

Not fun.

And I realized that I have a lot to do for my Self-Analysis and NOT too much time to do it. GAAAAHHHH I figured that I can do it during tomorrow evening. Umm...nooooo--I have a group meeting at 8, then I have to go to the "On the Spot" rehearsal from 10 to 12 (yes midnight--that garish time). Then after that I'm sure I'm gonna want to just sleep. Sooo I don't know.

Time management--it's a good thing.


I'm thinking I'm going to go and attempt to do some Self-Analysis schtuff. Wish me luck!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Sex Talk" on Oxygen--it's just like the Sunday Night Sex Show except with American viewers--watch either show, cuz it's soo funny

Crush du Jour: Sean Biggerstaff, Ewan McGregor, Sex God (Going for the British blokes...mmmm.....well except for that last one)

Happy Thought of the Moment: juicy gossip, scheming with the girls, rice krispy bars, cuddling under my blankets, loooong nights of sleep, Sunday Night Sex Show, my fabulous HAC, suckers, my boss being back (I missed her!!!), my friends kifing stuff for me (*grin*), Sex God, happy voicemails, happy dreams, good friends, Disney Channel, ice cream sundaes, pasta, South Park, warm sweater dusters, cute outfits, my glasses, funky hair, funny residents, getting LOTS accomplished today (go me!)

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