My Day--Oh the Randomness [ November 03, 2002, 1:11 am ]

This'll be a quickie I promise. eyes are blurrry. Definitely time to go to sleep. Yeah.....

I love weekends. They are such a godsend. You really have no idea. I've gotten sooo much work done today. It's amazing.

Y'all have to see my room at this moment. It's clean. Like really really clean. Amazingly clean. There's not just a path from the door to the bed and couch. The floor is all clear. And clean. Everything in it's rightful place! I am a cleaning goddess. Mmm-mmm

AND I've started on my SLFP Self-Analysis Project. Which isn't too surprising. I love this class. You get to talk about yourself a lot and figure out who you are as a leader. It really helps you to do some soul-searching. This final project toally emphasizes this. Lalalaaa--I'm such the narciscist. But I'm enjoying this final project. And it doesn't even have to be good right now--only a rough draft is due on Tuesday. Meaning I have a whole month to make corrections on it. Fabulous.

What else. Stress has left my life temporarily. Amazing. It is a miracle. Everything is going to be fine. All will work out. Honestly, Em was right yesterday at yelling at me for being so stressed. Yes, Em, you were right. (Savor this, hon, cuz you know I don't say it often.) I really did make it into more than was needed. All is well. Lala

You wanna hear something dumb? I really really really reallyyyyyyyy wanna go and see Jackass again. Really really bad. Like tomorrow. I have no time. Waaah. Such a tragedy. I promised this girl from NAE we'd go, but I really have no time. So sad. Damn my schedule!

So I have 2 programs going on tomorrow night. I probably should be nervous. I am a little. I just have confidence that they'll go good. One is with the other 2 halls in Quad II so I'm sure the attendance will be good. And we can always just force ice cream on people if not too many show up. Who's gonna turn down free ice cream?

The other program is the Professor Slam. And I don't care if I sound Politically Incorrect or whatever, but it's basically a bunch of people telling about which profs suck. I know when I was a freshman I had no idea which teachers were good or bad and it made scheduling harder. I'm hoping that a bunch of residents show up and just tell which teachers are good or bad. It's going to be really informal. I'm gonna tell about my experiences and I'm praying a bunch of others will follow suit. A lot of members of HAC are gonna come and they all like the idea so if anything I'll prod them to tell about their classes. It'll be fun. And a bunch of people were asking me about it already. Here's hoping.....

Agh! I have to interview the University president on Monday morning--what a shitty time for an interview. At least it's not till 11. I have yet to think of questions. My bad. Really I just want to get her opinion on if NMU could have a performing arts center and what she thinks about the current facilities. Yeah. I'm hoping that I don't offend her. Luckily Pete will be there too. He's a charmer. He'll keep me intact. Hehe

I had a date with Bob tonight. And I met his friend Ryan. (Another notch for the fruit fly.) It was fun. It turned into "Rip on Bob" time. Hehehe. We ate at Upfront. I adore this place. The food is soooo great, but it's the atmosphere that really makes it wonderful. There was some sort of art auction there. So all of the elitist Marquette Society were there. The 3 of us were kind of ripping on them. Some of Marquette's elite have mullets and no fashion sense. It was quite amusing.

I am sooo mean.

I really should not rip on people. But it's so easy to do when your with 2 catty gay boys. You have noooo idea.

That can be a goal of mine--to not judge. It's always been a goal, now that I think of it, but it's so hard. It's one of those nearly unattainable things. But I'm trying.

I went to the hockey game tonight. Hurrah! We kicked ass of course. Lala. I was hoping more students were there (including *ahem* a certain god) but nope. But we still won. And Brett and I had fun chair dancing and screaming. Yay.

K, I'm gonna crawl into bed now. I'm determined to get more than 7 hours of sleep tonight.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Boys" by Britney--the Coed Remix--soooo fun

Crush du Jour:Lenny Kravitz, Jimmy Fallon, Sex God

Happy Thought of the Moment:new friends, chilling out, massive amounts of food (yay for leftovers!!!), lunches with friends, clean rooms, mommy phone calls, Pookie coming next Sunday (hurrah!!!), cute boys, last year's SNL's on E!, this new mix I made today (it kicks major ass), techno music, chair dancing, hot cocoa, shopping with Mo, gossipping (the GOOD kind), no stress, Jackass, Scooby Doo the movie, getting homework done, lotsa emails, melting snow, icicles, driving (NOT in shitty weather), naps, curling up in bed, guys' cologne, hoodies, clean laundry, Justin's cd out on Tuesday, Spiderman, cartoons, shakers, tea, cute hair days

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