Sugar High [ August 20, 2004, 11:05 am ]

Guess what I had for breakfast?


I only like the banana, strawberry and cherry ones. So I picked out the blueberry (eeww--who thought of that?), limon, orange and other uggy ones. Seriously--most of the flavors are gross. If they made a special mix with just strawberry and banana, I'd be the happiest girl ever.

So I ate fruit-flavored candy for breakfast. Since it resembles fruit and kind of tastes like it, I've decided I've had a healthy breakfast.

Mmm...sugar! I can feel it coursing through my veins. Mwa. Ha. Ha.

So I just remembered this morning that Em's bday is in a mere 4 days. Commence panic-mode until I figure out the perfect gift for her. How am I gonna top LA souveniers? Gaah. I think a wandering journey around Target may work. I hope.

Damn. Now I'm thirsty from all the sugar.

Audrey (aka Miss Big Mouth) and I were recapping the past 25 hours of my life. Here's my recap: get muffins, get a parking ticket, drink yummy steamer, work ass off, figure out boys are dumb, commence loathey-mopey period for the night, paint therapy at Hotplate, coconut rum therapy after that, sleep, wake up, wrestle with thick letters for mass mailing.

Audrey's version is something like this: yummy muffins, squeal over cute hair, get lots of work done, get my drink on, all is well.

There seems to be a skewed perception somewhere. The magic of editing works for Aud's sunshine-Care-Bear version, but it's not real. She says that I need to shut the fuck up and focus on the good.

When did she become me?

And when did I decide that moping and loathing is a good idea? Because it's not. In all fairness though, my version's fair--I mentioned the good steamer. And Hotplate. So neh.

Oh, one last confession before I get my ass back to work: I read Ryan's entry about the BNL/Alanis concert. I almost cried when I found out that Alanis did a lot of Jagged Little Pill songs. The concert sounded awesome. I'm a little depressed that I didn't go. But like I said before, everything happens for a reason. I'm glad that my friends had fun. I just wish I could have been there to scream along with Alanis. Oh well.

Something better's on the horizon perhaps? Or maybe that's just the sugar talking.

Ciao, dahling!


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