Quote Me [ August 19, 2004, 5:12 pm ]

Oww. When did my teeth become sensitive to highly-sugared drinks? Maybe my body is revolting because I'm drinking Pepsi and eating Nibs for supper. Because some people just don't care to make me happy by bringing me real food. Is it my fault that I was scheduled to work 12 hours straight? No.

But! Lalalaaa! Brett agreed to work my 7 to 10 shift so I can not be a bitch and go to Hotplate instead of whining about working for too long. Woooooo! Honestly I don't know if I'm supposed to have him work for me, but he technically was a summer desk employee and summer desk employees are allowed to sub for one another. So I've heard.

Whatever, I'm getting my paint on.

And now, with sugar coursing through my vains, I present the most quotable quotes of the past week! Woo!

)while leafing through magazines last night)

Me: oh god I want that and that...and that. If I was rich I'd seriously probably spend all of my money on purses and belts. And all other things cute and non-necessary.

Chrissy: if I was rich...If I were rich I'd buy storage containers.

Me: ....

Then a bit later, while looking at an impressive display...

Chrissy: Yeah, he decided to buy whiskey last night. Look. *points to Jim Beam*

Me: didn't you buy whiskey the other night?

Chrissy: YES! I bought AMERICAN whiskey. *presents a bottle of Seagrams 7*

Me: well where is Jim Beam made?

Chrissy: Kentucky.

I have my own version of Jessica Simpson. God bless Chrissy.

And the topper:

(to myself as I threw around my clothes looking for a suitable pair of jeans to wear out on Saturday night)

It's so difficult being me.

Oh. God. I can't believe I said that. Because it's tragic living my life. My biggest drama of that night was finding a clean pair of jeans.

I am a drama queen.


Ciao, dahling!


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