Stuff [ April 10, 2003, 1:39 pm ]

This gluey stuff for my hair is quite intriguing. I put it in my hair when it was still wet this morning and now it's holding my hair so much that it's stiff...kinda reminds me of hay. Hehe. It looks really good though. Damn I am one sexy bitch sometimes!

(If ya couldn't tell I'm in a great mood day.)

I'm so happy with the weather. I think that spring may actually be here to stay. It's supposed to get up to 60 degrees today and it'll be at least in the 50s all weekend. Gaah! I'm so pumped.

I'm so easily distracted right now. I'm chalking it up to Spring Fever. Em called and I have this laptop in front of me and I'm trying to become undehydrated and 2 Guys and a Girl is on. Yeah, I'm thinking I'm distracted. It's baaad. I don't think Em was too impressed. Oh well. She above all people should know just how easily distracted I am. Hehe

Mwahahahahahaaaa! I just flipped on VH1 and they're doing a documentary about stripping classes in gyms. Or maybe it's a kind of kinky documentary because now they're talking about S&M kalisthenics. Yeah there's a guy doing jumping jacks in a tutu. Iiiiinteresting. At least the guys look like they're enjoying it. Lol.

Ahahaha! "Slaverciser." ehehehehe! I'm highly highly amused.

K, I'll shut up about it now. *grin*

Oh GOD. I saw the best movie last night. I must be some sort of massochist because I knew it was going to be sad going into it. Pay it Forward. GREAT movie. Sad as all fuck. I'd heard I'd cry. And I did. The teacher's monologue made me cry. Relating to the abuse and alcoholism within Trevor's family made me cry. Seeing Trevor's youthful optimism and hopefulness made me teary-eyed. The ending made me bawl. And just when I had calmed myself and stopped sobbing, the final scene rolled around and I began bawling even louder than before. I even made a sound as I sobbed. "Mmmgaaaaaabbbbbbb." I'm such a massochist. But it's a really good movie. It made me realize that the little things do matter, that one person can really help to change the world. It helped me to realize that suffering does happen, it is natural, but good does come from it if you're strong and you allow yourself to grow from it. It's an amazing, underrated film. I think I may buy it. Then let all my friends borrow it because it's sooo good.

Oh lord. Hippy boy who lives above me is either smoking the ganja or lighting incense. It's really really strong. I mean REALLY strong. It has to be because I have a sinus infection and it has to seep through the ceiling for me to smell anything. Now I'm debating whether I should go up there and say anything or not. Hmm...

Crazy Jesus-preacher was here again yesterday. Isn't it ironic that he came to campus not only on the first nice day we've had, but on the GLBT community's Day of Silence? I was so copmletely disgusted. Therefore I had to listen to him, if only to laugh at his vague answers and ridiculous accusations of all of us. He pisses me off so bad. I mean, I know that by listening to him, I'm letting him win, but it's kind of hard to ignore him when he's standing on the elevated plant display, flailing his arms and shouting how we're all sinners and we're wrong and we're going to hell. It's absolutely disgusting. I got so mad at him at one point that I shouted that how did he know that he's right and all the other religions are wrong? That maybe he's the wrong one here and that he shouldn't be judging us at all. He disgusts me. To go and judge me and all my friends and fellow peers and say we're all wrong is just horrible twisted. And wrong, in my opinion. Whatever happened to just loving and accepting people as they are--isn't that what Jesus did?

I don't know, it just pisses me off. These are exactly the type of people I'd be fighting against if I decided to go into the lobbying field after graduation.

I'm a pushover. Brett just convinced me that it's too nice outside to be in class. Great. No good can come from any adventure that we may have.

Aight I have to go.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "loosing grip" by avril lavigne

Crush Du Jour: Orlando Bloom, Oliver James

Happy Thought of the Moment: gorgeous weather, cruising in Rexy, old crushes, good poems, creative writing, bunches more stuff I can't think of

last - next
