Like a Kid in a Candy Shop [ April 11, 2003, 1:35 pm ]

The past 24 have been nothing short of blissful for me. Have I ever said how much I love my life? Because I really do.

Yeah, I'm cheesy I know. I'm in a great mood though.

Harry Potter came out today! Eee! Of course me and Em had to venture to WalMart at midnight to be some of the first to own the DVD. Yeah--we're dorks. When Em saw the display she let out a sound that sound like a cross between a banshee in heat and a cow dying. Her face totally just lit up. She's totally in love with anything Harry Potter. It's kinda funny. I adore Harry as well, but not to the point of geekdom like her. But I'm like that with other things so I embrace and love her geekdom. Hehe.

As we were leaving the WalMart greeter-dude stopped us and asked if we had just bought Harry. I immediately thought we were in some sort of trouble, and from the flash of panic on Em's face I think she was thinking the same thing. The greeter, though, immediately eased our worries. Instead of getting in trouble, we got free posters! Hurrah!!! I got another Harry poster. And Em was beyond thrilled. She looked like an autistic child at Christmas when she saw the poster. Great--more stuff to fuel the Harry obssession for the both of us. :P

We're such dorks that we had a sleepover and watched all the bonus features and half the movie. We would've watched the whole movie but it was like 3 am and we were at the brink of passing out.

It was just a good, happy night for me. Hehe.

I got Rexy fixed this morning. I didn't realize just how loud he was until I got a new muffler. Yeah--it was REALLY loud. A muffler makes a big difference, folks! And it didn't cost too much, so that totally made my day.

Gaah. I have so much to do today. Make an appointment to sign the lease for the summer, confirm catering for Counting Crows, get the keys for the van, do my resume', fill out the applications, figure out all the stuff for the Crows concert. I must must MUST get the credit card and van keys before the university shuts down today or I'm SCREWED. Also talkin' to my cell phone company about my cell plans for this summer would be a good idea too. Gaah. Sooo much to do.

I cannot believe that the Counting Crows concert is on Monday. Craziness. It's come sooo freakin' fast. I'm sooo pumped about it. It's promising to be a great concert. I'm getting more and more into the Crows music, so I'm hoping this will really elevate me to the brink of uber-fan or big fan. Eee!

Aight, I must go. Too much to do, too little time. Bah.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Raise Up" by Petey Pablo

Crush du Jour: intellectual college guys (oh I've found some--hehee)

Happy Thought of the Moment: the little things, my staff, good meetings, "Soap Box" activity (I KICKED ASS!!!), Chamber of Secrets on DVD, midnight WalMart runs, photo shoots, erotic veggies, caffeine, time with Em, intellectual types, music education (NOT what you're probably thinking of...ask), Stitch, snowball fights, cute hair, tank top days, Spring weather, Frosty Treats, denim skirts, funny soaps, expanding my horizons, job possibilities, talking to my mommy, getting lots done, quiet Rexy

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