Krissy Does America [ April 09, 2003, 1:30 am ]

Gaaah! Was it just like National Bad Day for people or what? I'm reading people's diaries and they're all really fucking depressing. I feel really bad. I wish there was something I could do to help, I really do.

To Katy--hon, I love you dearly. You are so beautiful, even if you don't think so or realize it. All people have bouts of bitchiness and utter stupidity. It's human nature. Stand strong, keep a smile on your face and you'll be fine. Shine on, darling, I love you lots.

I always hate it when the people I love are hurting. Cuz I hurt. It sounds corny and cheesy and straight out of HallMark-Land but it's true. I'd elaborate, but I really don't want to get all emotional-like and sound like a complete dork. I just really love my friends and family and I'd move Earth to make sure that they're happy/blissful/content with everything.

I think I'm PMS-ing. You know it's that time of the month when you get teary-eyed at the corny commercials. And that's me right now. Gaah. I nearly cried during Sister Sister for Christ's sake. God, I am pathetic.

Oh--while I'm on the topic of Disney Channel shows. Yeah, so Disney Channel people are CRAP. They have some stupid policy of only producing 65 episodes of each show. This means....*gulpsnifflewaaah*....that Lizzie McGuire is almost done. Waaaaaaaaah. Pardon me while I take a moment to mourn this loss.


Yeah, it's true. I researched it on the internet and everything. Kinda really sucks. I'm not impressed. I'm hoping a main network will pick it up and hopefully not fuck up the show too badly. Gaah.

The really sad thing is that I was looking at the Lizzie episode guide (note: has the most complete, detailed episode guides EVER) and I've only NOT seen 4 episodes. FOUR EPISODES. That's kind of pathetic. 4 freakin' episodes. Gaah. Yes, people, I am a loser-dork.

Haaa! Beavis and Butthead Do America is on tv right now. Niiiiice. This cartoon cracks me up. MTV should really reair B&B episodes. I'd watch. Not that that's really surprising.

Success reigns supreme in Krissy-World. My House vs. House Gameshow went over very very well tonight. Every house was represented and the residents knew most of the questions. I was really happy with the turnout. The only minor problem was over the Romeo and Juliet question about setting. It was the EASIEST question out of all of the trivia and people were all up in arms because I said I'd accept Italy as an answer. Cuz it's true. Damn, residents get all pissy if they think that--god forbid--someone else might get a point. It pissed me off. It's kind of funny that others will try to powertrip when they have absolutely no right to do so. Residents try to do it so often I've become kind of desensitized to it. I think I'm gonna work on that--I'm no floormat.

Which begs the question--do people honestly see me as some kind of doormat sometimes? Cuz really sometimes I feel like I don't get the respect that I deserve. And I don't mean that in the way of being a staff member. I mean, respect as a person, a student, a human being for crying out loud. Sometimes I just think about it and get really frustrated. I see myself as a strong, opinionated person--that's how I thought I came across. So how people come off thinking that I don't deserve proper respect is quite irritating.

Meh. Just some random thoughts that happened to cross my mind. Whatever. It's good to get this shit out sometimes.

I like the VH1 "what's that sound" commercial. I must have seen it like 10 gabillion times by now, but--damn--I still really like it. Maybe cuz of Chicago clips and the music hotties. hehe

Aight, I'm gonna go to sleep. Maybe I'll feel better (mind, body and spirit-wise) if I get more than 6 hour chunks of sleep. Perhaps....

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: commercials on VH1

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom (good GOD I can't wait for Pirates of the Carribean to come out this summer--it looks soooo good--and so does 'Lando!)

Happy Thought of the Moment: writing praise, good poetry, Taco Bell runs with Adam, bonding, short staff meetings, quotables, kudos basket, Beavis and Butthead, Lizzie movie, Border Grill with Em, Harry Potter out Friday, midnight WalMart runs, love from ATM's, toying around with cars, vrom vroom, VH1 commercial, good committees, bookin' it, fun mixes, cds from friends, Brett convos, successful programming, fun trivia, cute shoes, hilarious shows, Comedy Central, South Park

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