Stars are Aligning? [ December 05, 2003, 10:56 am ]

Horoscope du Jour: Things should be going well for you today, dear Leo, especially in the department of love and romance. Do not shy away from the obvious attraction that you have towards one special person. Today is the day to amplify that feeling instead of hiding from it. Show off your love with the brightest, boldest colors and actions possible. There is magic in the attention that you give and receive.

Hells yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about! What a fabu thing to wake up to. Lalala. Perhaps that one hottie will be at the party this afternoon. Hmmm......


In other news, my hair has decided to take on a life of it's own. And not even three differennt hair products or a flat iron can tame it's iron will. And on a day where a first impression will count too, with that DC scholarship thingy. Baah.

Wish me luck on my busy day!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Stuck" By Stacy Orrico (Aka the song that made me run into a car)

Crush du Jour: hottie boy?

Happy Thought of the Moment: good music, fun hair, sunshine, good dreams, no more Media class (lalalalaaa), bowling tonight, looking gooood, shopping tomorrow, not being broke

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