Eggin' Me [ July 31, 2004, 11:31 am ]

I have a confession to make...

I read a couple of months ago in a CosmoGirl! about a ritual that will help to make you feel less stressed. And, I guess. It's supposed to help a girl feel more connected to herself. I was intrigued. I wanted to try it.

All I needed was an egg, a quiet place and a full moon. All of which I had last night.

I was supposed to stand in the center of my quiet place and circle the egg around me. The egg symbolizes a "core" which was supposed to help suck any negative emotions and thoughts from me.

So with "Clarity" (fitting, no?) playing in the background, I began to circle the egg slowly around me. I breathed. And circled. And breathed. And thought of John and giggled and almost dropped the egg. Then thought of clarification and empowerment and self-improvement and attempted to clear my head again. Was still circling the egg. It felt like I was doing weird basketball drills. Breathed deeply and concentrated on that. Began to feel relaxed and less tense. Still circled. Pictured all my negativity flying out the window, being dumped in a trash can, being burned to nothingness. Circled, circled, circled. Felt so relaxed and positive that as the ritual ended I dropped the egg on my carpeted bedroom floor.

And I was so zen-like that it didn't even register for a full minute, giving the yolk time to soak into the floor.

That killed the ritual. But, I will admit that I did feel more relaxed and blissful. Maybe the new age hippy-people are on to something....

When I was making scrambled eggs this morning, one of my eggs had a double yolk. Family tradition (at least in my dorky Finnish-Yooper family) states that this means good luck.

Hell yeah.

Eggs are my new favorite thing in life.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Crush du Jour: the Fab 5

Happy Thought of the Moment: flip flops, thunderstorms, well-dressed guys (NOT the Abercrombie look, thankyouverymuch), my room coming together, scrapbooking, my "neon" plate (y'all gotta see this), jello shots, good exfoliating face wash, MAC makeup, Speechless, cartoons, yummy breakfast, possibility of a Joe visit

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