Live it Up, Fuckers! [ July 05, 2004, 11:40 pm ]

What an exhausting and exciting weekend for moi. Mmm.

I'll only talk about the concert right now because otherwise this will be a hugely long entry that'll probably put people to sleep. We all know that these are mostly for me anyway. (Sooo.....why do people read this anyway then?)

Drama abounded on Friday morning as I got ready to leave for Milwaukee. I had to literally pour myself out of bed even though I was beyond excited for the concert. I don't think I realized how much work exhausted me until I could barely get out of bed on the morning of a highly anticipated concert.

Anyway...I was getting ready and checking things out in my purse (tickets--check; money--check; credit get the picture) and was purusing my wallet when I noticed the most vital slot was blank. Where the fuck was my driver's license? I immediately checked my jeans where I thought it was. Wasn't there. Shit shit shit. Tore through my room, clothes flying everywhere as I frantically searched for the missing license. Nowhere. Nearly broke the dresser looking through every pair of stupid jeans I ever owned. Nada. Army crawled through the living room looking for the stupid id. MIA. Called Brett and nearly bawled as the realization cemented that I didn't have my license. Fortunately he's only about ten million times more laid-back then me and helped me calm down.

I was pissed because not only did I illegally drive down to Milwaukee, but I couldn't drink and imbibe with the other drunken hoardes while there. Tragic.

(FYI: I found the stupid fucking license yesterday. In, um, a pair of my jeans. Yeah. Shut up.)

The drive down was uneventful. Except that my left arm is now painfully blistered from a driver's sunburn. It sucks. It's the only sun I actually got all weekend. I swear I look paler now than I did before Friday. I hate being Albino Girl.

We got to the Summerfest grounds at about 6 pm and walked around. It reminded me a lot of Cedar Point--lots of food booths, lots of people, cool atmosphere. It was by the lake, which was so nice. Very breezy. Happiness for me.

The concert...very good. Honestly, of the three I've been to, this was the most laid-back one, which surprised me. Summer = high-energy and high-enthusiasm for me. I couldn't wrap my mind around how low-key this concert was. It could have been where I was sitting though. 50 rows back. Still the seats were dead center and the energy was incredible.

A dj spun for like half an hour as the "opener." He didn't do a whole lot besides play records. And scratch some records. I want to be a dj. I could probably do better than him. Another goal to add to my life list.

Maroon 5 was disappointing. The lead singer thought he was Jesus and did a lot of Jesus/Creed-like poses. He was an attention whore. Not impressive. It wasn't as good of a show as I'd heard they'd done. It was a bit of a let-down. They just played their entire cd basically. No real covers, no jams, no improvisation. I definitely wouldn't pay $40 just to see them. Thank God they opened for John.

John--always amazing. Every time I see him in concert I'm just in awe. It's always worth the money, the travel, the planning, the trouble, everything.

Commence set-list commentary...


Clarity: almost broke a vocal cord when he started off with this. It's gotta be a good concert when one of your favorite songs starts off the set.

New Deep: this has always been a favorite from Heavier Things. It's so quirky and clever. I was surprised he played it, he doesn't usually. Happiness.

Why Georgia: a concert favorite--the entire audience always sings along--I screamed along. So what so I've got a smile on....a top 10 favorite of mine.

Back to You: I like the memories I have with this song. It's fun to sing along because he sounds angry when he sings "back to you / doesn't it piss you off..."

Bigger Than My Body: the highlight of the concert came as he introduced this song. He talked about doing what you want and living life. The best quote in the history of ever was shouted by him as he launched into the song:

"Live it up, fuckers!

Wheel: this is an amazing song, even more amazing hearing and seeing it live. I think I just grinned like a moron during this whole song.

No Such Thing: it's fun to watch his face as he sings and plays; he's so into it. I adore this song. It reminds me of high school and how much I've grown.

Somethings Missing: I like screaming CHECK!! along with the rest of the audience. And dancing. Yes, I dance to John Mayer music. Even though it's not the most dancable stuff in the world. I. Am. So. Cool.

Your Body is a Wonderland: it's apparent this is the song that EVERYONE in the audience knows. I like that every time I hear it it's different with different jams and improvs. One of the guys in the band did little riffs from "Rock with You" and "Let's Get it On" in the middle of this. It's so fun to see this live. Even though the song is really played out.

Come Back to Bed: I wanted him to "talk" to his guitar because I saw him do that in Detroit. He didn't, but his solo was amazing, so it made up for it. Mmmm. That is all--MMMMM.

Only Heart: how sad that I knew what song he was going to play by the guitar he picked up. I think I death-gripped Brett's arm out of anticipation, then broke his eardrum with my shrieking. He started off by singing the opening lines of "love shack" before he launched into this. I just adore this song. So fun, so 80s, so me.

83: my favorite song is always fabulous when I hear it live. He always plays it. I'm always blown away. Just imagine how huge of a dopey grin I had on my face. Yeah.


Quiet: I'm stunned he played this. Just him sitting on a chair with a mini-guitar. (It may have been a ukelele, but I really have no clue.) I don't know this song that well, but I really respect that he played it because it was on his independent debut. It's simple and I love it.

Inner City Blues: he ended with a cover and he didn't really play his guitar, he just strutted around stage with a microphone. It was so weird to watch him, he looked naked without a guitar. He also looked a bit uncomfortable. But the song was fun, a good way to close the concert.

Overall, the concert was laid-back, like I said before. He mostly played stuff from Heavier Things, which surprised me, but I appreciated it since I love that album so much.

I made friends with the drunk girls that were sitting behind us. We bonded over our abilities to scream our asses off and shatter eardrums. I seem to do that a lot...

Getting out of Summerfest was hell. It took nearly two hours to get from our venue to the gates because ten thousand other people were trying to do the same thing. Add to the equation that 70% of the people were drunk. It wasn't fun. I discovered that I have claustrophobia. In big, drunken crowds. It wasn't fun trying to get back to the car.

During the crowd fiasco I was cursing and saying that I'd never EVER go through this again. But the next morning when I was still glowy from the concert, I realized I would do it all over again. I adore John Mayer concerts. When can I go again?

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "You Won't be Mine" by Matchbox Twenty and Boy Meets World

Crush du Jour: who the hell do you think?!?

Happy Thought of the Moment: amazing concert, aloe vera, good sleep, road trips, fabulous friends, yummy foods

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