Some Conclusions.... [ December 18, 2004, 6:41 pm ]

...from the past few days:

- whoever wrote "Let it Snow Let it Snow" obviously never came to the UP in the months of December, January, February, March or April. Especially December, around like, say, now-time. The first big snowstorm of the year is raging right now. The roads suck. So much. I just ran around Marquette to pay my cell phone bill and get some necessities from Shopko. It took nearly an hour and a half to navigate the usually-plowed/sanded/de-iced roads. Gaaah. Let it snow? Let it fuckin' stop.

- the hardest thing to find in this snow-ridden town? The first season of newlyweds. It's sold out everywhere. Who knew so many people enjoyed Jessica's blonde moments? I thought it was only me. Alas, I don't have a copy. And it would've been so good to have on a stormy night like tonight. Sigh.

- I've come to the conclusion that I hate self-centered people. While I've never been a fan, I've run into more than one in the past few days and it's really grated on my nerves. (Even more than winter driving has actually...and that's saying something.) Yes, I can have my diva moments, but for the most part I care more about my friends and the people around me more than whether my hat looks cute or if that boy is checking me out. Some of my friends "one-up" me and my other friends. It's annoying. Others do nothing except talk about themselves constantly. That, too is annoying. The conclusion? Don't be annoying--care less about yourself sometimes, please.

- I am losing my mind. I misplaced a cd folder full of discs and couldn't find it. I also lost an important notebook. While I've found said cd case, the notebook is still MIA--even though I've fervently prayed to the Lord millions of times and promised to become a nun in those prayers more than once. Gaah. Please, notebook, no more hide and seek. I suck at seeking.

Humph. I should be home at my cousin's reception, watching my semi-alcoholic uncles get drunk, but instead I'm here cuz of the storm, watching Red Green on PBS. Oh well. At least now I can clean up after my former roommate (it's disgustingly mess--thanks) and maybe clean some more in my room and pack. Woo.

Ciao, dahling!


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