The one with more random letter typing [ December 19, 2004, 4:06 pm ]



Translation: Grr! Grrr! GRRR!! All I want to do is know what I got in Geography. That's ALL I want right now. Is that too much to ask?

Why? Whyyyyyy do I have to wait until Tuesday to find out my grades? Yes, I will whine. Because I'm getting an ulcer about my stupid dirt class. I still don't think I should stress about a 100-level class. I am though. Sigh. Whine whine.

I did figure out, thanks to the NMU GPA calculator that I could still make the Dean's list if I did alright on my final in the dirt class. It's highly doubtful, but still.

God, I have to stop thinking about this. My stomach's hurting because of it. GOD this SUCKS.

So it's 4 pm and what have I done today? Made eggs and done two layouts for my NYC scrapbook. That's it. Go me and my slothfulness. I should call my mom. And pack. And do the dishes. I will. Later.

And an update: I didn't find my notebook yet. But I will. Make no mistake about that.

On a happy note, though: I'm going to see Spanglish later tonight. I'm pumped. I adore Adam Sandler and I heard that this is a great dramedy. I'm sure I'll bawl my eyes out. Hell I almost bawled because of a Cheerios commercial this afternoon. Gaah. This definitely doesn't bode well for Brett, my movie compadre. But I'm pumped about it. Yay.

Ok, I'm going to pretend I'm busy, but watch Best year ever instead. I'm so awesome in my slothfulness sometimes.

Ciao, dahling!


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