I'm getting sleeeeepy [ December 02, 2003, 3:58 pm ]

Blaaaaaaaaah. So I made Mac and Cheese for lunch�the Easy Mac kind. Um, yeah. Actually put the required amount of water in the freakin� bowl, cuz if you don�t it does NOT taste so good at all.

I can�t believe I screwed up Easy Mac. The name is on the fucking package�it�s supposed to be easy. And I messed it up. Go me. I am a domesticated goddess.

Rant of the day: why why WHYYYY do people consider it a bad thing if a guy is a metrosexual? I personally give props to any guy who uses hair gunk, plucks his eyebrows or browses the latest fashions at Kenneth Cole. Girls have been concerned with looking good for thousands of years. It�s about damn time that guys learned that looking nice is an art.

Personally I�m more attracted to a guy that smells good, gunks his hair up and has a sense of fashion than the guy who schlepps around in baggy clothes and unkempt (and not in the cool rock-star un-kempt kind of way hair. But then again�.I am a fruit fly.

Oh GOD. Oh GAAAAAAAAAWD. We�re watching more of that stupid stuuupid video in Music in Society class again. Whyyyyy? It�s so pointless. It just shows us the instruments of India. Um, if anyone saw Moulin Rouge, they saw plenty of Indian instruments during the final Spectacular Spectacular scene. I�d say that qualifies me as cultured enough, thankyouverymuch.

And when she made us watch the damned video yesterday, she made us stay late. We didn�t get out till nearly four. Grr. Which means when I emerged from the classroom, I was surrounded by band people. In case you don�t know�band people are SCARY. They are from a completely different planet and speak their own nerve-grating language that consists only of things that center around band. They all lack social skills. Which explains why they all hang around together�if a bunch of people don�t have social skills then they can all just combine annoying forces and drive the world insane. Gaah.

I was so traumatized after that, I needed Starbucks to recuperate.

Haaa�the music we�re listening to right now in class sounds like the kind of music Lars plays in Serendipity. This amuses me. Hehehehehee. �He looks like he�s in pain.�

I�m in pain. Listening to this music makes me hella tired. I could take a very long nap right now. I�ve never felt this tired in class. This. Is. Bad.

Oh sweet Jesus. Only 20 minutes left of class. But if she says �to-do� one more fucking time, I�m going to leap outta my seat and strangle her.

Now we�re listening to Japanese music. Good god. It sounds like a tea kettle and dying goose singing together. Thank God I�m American and listen to good music that doesn�t sound like anything dying or whistling. Ha�it�s supposed to put you on the path to tranquility. Yeah right. I�m headed down the path to find Advil once this stupid song. Hmm�if I put on my sunglasses, do you think she�s mind if I took a nap? Not like that could happen with this goose-honking music playing.

Gaah--now I'm in BC class. God be with me.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar FAntasy To: class squabbles

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon, John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: sleeeeep, caffeine, food

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