Rock Candy Melted [ December 01, 2003, 12:03 am ]




The concert last night?

Completely. Absolutely. Without a doubt.



Even from the balcony, in not-such-stellar seats I had the greatest time of my life.

It was a religious experience.

I cried when he came out. Not full-out-teeny-bopper-tears-streaming-mascara-streaking bawling. Just a couple of tears that streaked down my cheek.

Then I cried again 4 songs in when I fully comprehended that I was really truly seeing Mr. Mayer in concert after wanting this for over two years.

Then I cried again during my favorite song--83. It was the last song of the concert and it was the last city on his American tour, so it was especially meaningful for them. Which meant a really long extended and completely amazing final song that just happened to be my favorite song of all time.

(I also bawled after the show when I was telling my mom about it. I was like "oh my gaaaaaawd, it was amaa-aaa-aaaaa-z-i-i-iii-nngggg." God I'm a dork. But a fucking happy, blissful one at this moment.)

John Mayer, you are officially my god.

For real.

It was just such an amazing show. It's so nice to know that there are performers out there that sound exactly the same live as they do recorded. He's actually better live. He feeds off the energy of the crowd and just goes with it. He's funny and ad-libs.

He's just.....

He's god.

For real.

John Mayer for me is like Cher is for any gay man.

Because I'm a nerd I'll post the concert list and comment on every song. (heheheee--you know you love my dorkiness)

Clarity When the lights when down and everyone started screaming, it was the biggest rush. Huuuuge grin on my face this entire song. I wake up to this song most mornings, it's so quietly poetic. Big apologies to Miss Amanda, who we called right before this started, then shrieked her ear off once the beginning notes started and ended up hanging up on her. Mwah, hon!

Bigger Than My Body A favorite. He can do no wrong.

No Such Thing inspirational song. It was so cute to see his face on the projection screens with him totally into the music. I think I called Em during this song and prayed that she figured out what the hell was going on.

Neon One of my favorites. One of the best songs of the show--all the guys onstage were jamming. They played a hella long intro, but I knew what it was from the first couple of notes, even though it really didn't sound like it at first. God, I'm a nerd.

Something's Missing A theme song for all of us who sometimes don't always feel complete. To be cheesy, though, I'll say that nothing's missing after this concert. Oh GOD--his speech about someone not calling back was hilarious: he was saying how if someone doesn't call back you stick by your phone and just torture yourself. And you keep looking at your phone waiting for that "one missed called" message. And you call your voicemail just to "make sure" that there's no message and then want to strangle the woman when she informs you that you "have zero messages." It was totally relatable and hilarious. Amazing solo during this, too. I like 9 a lot better than 12, too!!!

Daughters This song is really painful for me to listen to because it reminds me so much of my lack-of relationship with my dad, but hearing it helped me realize that I should just really move on. A good step in the right direction. I love the fact that this music can be therapy.

My Stupid Mouth God, I can relate to talking before thinking. Gaaawd can I ever. Cute improvs during this song.

Only Heart His "bad tribute to the 80s." Which I didn't realize really does sound like an 80s song until he said that. This song just kicks ass. I guess they just started performing this song a couple of concerts ago. Fabulous.

Back To You I enjoyed how he said "fuck" during the song. And his little monologue about how girls never really say what's on their minds when guys ask if somethings wrong. Totally hilarious.

Come Back To Bed Umm....or maybe the fight spiel was during this song. I can't remember, I was just high on cloud 9 then--it was all fabulous.

Your Body is a Wonderland--Joe's favorite and a crowd favorite. Sooo sweet in concert. You really can't help but fall for this song. And him.

Why Georgia The crowd say my favorite line on the RFS cd during this: "so what/so I've got a smile on/it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head." I was screaming this line. People around me looked at me funny, but I was mid-orgasm so I really couldn't tell.

Wheel Blissful. That's all I have to say. And sooo good. His backup band is so great. Mmm.


Empty Arms (solo acoustic) Um, I didn't know this song, it's unreleased, so I was grumpy cuz I couldn't sing along. But it was strictly John and his guitar alone onstage--that kicked ass. He's such a great performer.

St. Patrick's Day Another favorite and totally holiday appropriate. I want John to be my boyfriend.

83 My absoloute hands-down favorite. I waxed about it earlier, so I'll spare you, except to say that it was totally amazing. (Which I've said a lot already. My bad. I seem to have lost grasp of 87% of my vocab because of this. Oh well--it was worth it.)

I'm still glowing from the concert. Amazing is just about the only thing I can really say. Because that's what it was.

I'm so going to another concert the next chance I get. And I WILL be close to the stage. I think I'm going to join Local-83, which is his fan club, so I can find out when he's going to be touring and get tix earlier. Mwahaha. (Note to friends--if you have no idea what to get me for Christmas, this would make me squeal with glee....if not it'll be a present to myself. Just a thought. *wink*)

Aight, I'm shutting up now.

But I'm still glowing.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Harder to Breath" by Maroon 5

Crush du Jour: marry meeee, Mr. Mayer!!!!

Happy Thought of the Moment: the concert. I'll say all my other happy thoughts in my next entry--it'll be all about my blissful weekend. I'm too giddy to think straight still. Yeah.

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