Shower and Shopping--Gaah [ April 14, 2003, 12:05 am ]




I figured I'd write a quick entry first though.

Things I've learned due to showering tonight:

A.) Loofah near nosering--NOT a good idea. I'm such an idiot sometimes. It got caught on it--I was trying to slough away the dry skin near my stud. It's really icky and I don't like it. I'm sure if I didn't pick at it it'd probably be fine, but I really hate the dry skin. Therefore I figured a loofah would help. It did. Until it got caught and I thought my stud was gonna get pulled out. Not cool.

B.) Cover Girl dramatic lash mascara is NOT waterproof. It makes your eyes look damn good, but it will run in the shower. I looked like a goddam raccoon Zorro when I stepped out of the shower. Just a friendly little hint to all you makeup mavens out there. :P

It was quite the exciting shower. Gaah.

Tomorrow's the Counting Crows concert. From what my committee's deduced from driving by EVERY hotel in the greater Marquette city area, the band is indeed within a 5-mile radius of campus. Eee! That's pretty exciting. Brett wanted to stalk them. Down boy, you'll get to meet them tomorrow.

I got butterflies. This is gonna be SUCH a good concert. I can't wait for it. I just hope things go well without too much drama or too many problems.

We went shopping for all of the dressing room stuff tonight. Such a letdown after shopping for Sugar Ray and Ludacris. They were demanding. CC is NOT. They want lots of liquids. That's about it. *yawn* We got all the bottled water (that's not Evian, FYI) in the Marquette area. Too funny.

Ummm...I think my fish is dead. How sad would it be if Hebert J died? I've had him since my first semester here. If he died I'd probably cry. It'd be like the end of an era for me. He's seen me through a lot of silly, stupid and life-altering types of things. He's seen my whole transition into who I am in a way. If he died that'd be sad. Ok, I think he's alive. I think.

Anyways...that was my fishy spiel for the moment. I love my fish.

The best part of the shopping was that I got to drive this honkin' 15-passenger van. It was a lot of fun. Every time I turned a corner Bob screamed that we were gonna die. My driving skills are just fiiine. It was really fun. I love driving that thing. It's so huge. I could run anything off the road. Heh heh.

I think I'm gonna crawl into bed. I'm sooo tired.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Half-Life" by Duncan Shiek (from the What a Girl Wants soundtrack--much love and thanks, Manda! Mwah!)

Crush du Jour: Oliver James

Happy Thought of the Moment: english guys, driving the big van, almost done with PR group, Harry Potter books, big Twister game, Burger Bash, fun bulletin boards, silly pix, Midol, Dove chocolates, cool water bottles, nachos, AG clique, Harry poster, new cds, comfy shoes, Counting Crows tomorrow, fun hair, sleeeeep, almost being not busy/stressed, talking to my mommy, summer almost here

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