I Reserve the Right to be a Bitch [ April 12, 2003, 9:30 pm ]

I hate being a woman. I wish I was going through menopause and never had to worry about cramps and bloating EVER again. I would be everso blissful if that were to happen to me. It'd make the hot flashes and hormones on parade worth it. My mom seemed fine going through it....I think. I didn't even realize she was going through it till she was done, so it couldn't have been that bad, right?

Ummmm....yeah. Anyways.

I've spent the greater part of today moaning about cramps. And doing nada about it. I'm so unmotivated right now. It ALWAYS is this way when I'm PMS-ing. I feel like loafing around and doing nothing. Which is completely bad because I have bulletin boards to finish (or start *ahem*), a portfolio to revamp and hospitality stuff to do. Gaah!

No worries. I have all the info for my boards at least. It's just the design part that takes the time. At least it's fun for me. Thank god I'm semi-creative or I'd be in some sort of personal hell right now.

I went out to the Lodge today in Gwinn to see about a waitressing job. Forecast: cloudy. Grr. The manager seemed really nice and the place is utterly adorable. I'd love to work there--I'd get minimum wage plus tips. And I know I could do it--I'm qualified and love to waitress. But they're not hiring until the end of May. And she made it sound like there was a bunch of people applying for the job too. GAAAAAH! This leaves me both annoyed and frustrated. I drove half an hour to make a good impression and leave my (cute and efficient) resume' with her only to not get some sort of reassurance? I really would like this job, but I don't think I can wait for an entire month to hear about it. I need a job. I have to pay bills and rent. GRR! This is supposed to be a summer of fun. It's certainly not looking that way.

Wouldn't it be nice if I could just hold off and see if I get that job before continuing my search? Yeah right. It's be blissful and I could relax for a month, but it's sooo not gonna happen. Gaah.

Needless to say, this annoyance paired with my PMS and stress is NOT a happy-good thing.

Oh god I hate people sometimes. I'm talking to a member of my PR group and she's talking to another member. A member who can't even just call ME to ask a question--another member has to be a middle man. How old are we again? Are we NOT in college? I don't care if you may or may not have some sort of issue with me or if you think I have an issue with you. You don't always get to work with people you enjoy. You get over it, suck it up and continue on. God, I'll be so glad when this damn class is over with. I love PR, but all this bullshit we have to do right now is not getting on my good side. It's not like I'll have to figure out problems and goals in the line of PR I'm going into anyways. I'll probably be some lowly gopher for bigwigs for a while before moving up, so does it look like I care? Nooo. At least I've discovered I'd rather work by myself than with self-centered immature people. Yay for self-discovery--even if it comes in the worst possible packaging.

God, I'm such a bitch tonight!

I made a punk mix today. I didn't realize how well it really fits my mood right now. It's so great. I just keep listening and listening to it. That and Brett's rap mix. THAT is a great mix, if I do say so myself. I tease him about how much time and effort he puts into his mixes because they have to be "just right" but this mix really kicks ass. I enjoy it greatly. One of my joys of the day.

Oh GOD. Counting Crows is coming up in like 48 hours. SHiiiit--I gotta call the caterer. Gaah. Must remember to do that ASAP. I'll get on that right after I'm finished here. Yeah.

My room looks like a total disaster area. Cuz of the board project. Welcome to chaos, fair warning you'll find nothing you need in here unless your name is Krissy. Hehe

Aww yeah! SNL is new tonight. Hurrah! I'm totally lookin' forward to that. Simple pleasures.

K, I really should go work on this shiznit.

Ciao for now!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Addicted" by Simple Plan (love them the more I listen to them)

Crush du Jour: tall dark and handsome WalMart worker (Bob and I determined he's the only hot guy that works there--hehe)

Happy Thought of the Moment: chinese food, hearing from Hannah, drag queens, punk mix, reserving the right to be bitchy, hot boys, flip flops, Frosty Treats, WalMart runs, party crashers, Harry Potter, book lists, fun bulletins, new Cosmo, shopping in ShopKo, Brett's mix, cute Banquet outfit, Counting Crows in 2 days, Alkaline Trio next week, people auction, easter candy, chocolate, Midol, ice cold water, caffeine, SNL tonight, Jimmy Fallon, chinese donuts

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