Shammy Break*Down--WHEEE [ February 07, 2003, 2:25 am ]

Hours spent dancing up a storm tonight: a good 2 or 3

Number of friends I went clubbin' with: 8ish??? (around that...)

Number of hotties I danced with: about 3...

Number of times I smacked or grabbed Todd's ass (he has a great butt to grab, FYI): 13 (bakers dozen!!!)

Number of people at the Shamrock that I knew: waaay too many to count!

Amount of caffeine consumed tonight: waaay too much to count


Tonight was soo soo great. I'm beyond happy that we decided to do a girly night out dancing. It was just fabulous. Indescribable in a way, really.

I'm on this enormous high right now. This HUGE rush just won't let me down. I've been home for over an hour, I've taken a long and hot shower, I'm chilling to John Mayer, I'm in my all accounts I SHOULD be snoozing by now. But yet here I am still awake.

Believe me, I'm getting to the point of exhaustion. I can nearly hear my pillow calling me....

But not yet. I just need to say how fun tonight really was.

I was slightly apprehensive to go dancing, because usually I just end up in a funk (remember Halloween, people???). And I really didn't want that to happen. But I decided to just say "what the fuck" and try to have the best time ever.

It wasn't very hard. I walked into the place and knew like half the people there right off the bat. Plus Sierra's enthusiasm was quite contagious. It's hard to not have fun when you're hanging out with a girl who's totally 120% geeked to be there. (She was a Shammy virgin before tonight.) Plus they were playing kick ass music. All those factors added up to me just wanting to dance the night away.

And it went by sooo friggen' fast. I was amazed. And happy. Cuz I was having such a good time. I even got Todd to dance. Well...technically the tequila and all of us persuading him, got him to dance, but by the time we left he was all into it (or so it seemed at least!). Go Todd! I'm quite proud of you, hon! *grin*

I don't really know what made tonight any different than the other times I've been there and gotten depressed. Maybe it was because I was with some of my bestest friends. Maybe it was because I needed to just have a release.

But I think it was just because I WANTED to have fun and let go.

And I did. I really just did. I just danced like it was noone's business. I didn't care if I looked dumb. I felt hot and I know I looked cute (if not hottt--all of us girls looked hottt--owww!), so I just had this fun little "I love life therefore I dance" attitude.

I'm now adopting this attitude for EVERYTHING I do. Not that I need to be any more happy or hyper in everyday life! :p

It was just liberating.

I even attracted a drunk guy's attention. Not that I wanted that. Sierra coined him "scary drunk guy." Yeah--that pretty much sums that up. He just stood by me and watched me and my friends dance. For like 10 minutes. Sierra kept giving me the "what the fuck?" face. That was kinda funny. Drunk man just stood there, like in a daze watching us dance. Which is kinda creepy when you think about it, but really I don't care. He was looking at me like I was a dance goddess (and I am, dammit) and said I was a good dancer. Thankyouverymuch. *grin*

I was happy when he staggered away a little bit after that though. Later on that evening he found Princess Pickles (who was a bit inebriated) and showed her his blue thong underwear. Charrrrming. She wasn't so impressed. All Sierra could do was laugh and gloat about her intuition. You go, hon!

It was just a fabulous night. I really have no complaints. I got to dance to Mr. Timba-lake with the wonderful Nichelle. That was sooo fabby. And I got to get freaky with ghetto-fabulous Skittles (this white boy who looks like an Eminem-wannabe--he kicks ass, though, I love him!). That was another highlight.

The whole evening was just one big highlight I think. I don't remember when I've been this blissful.

Yes yes--I'm blissful. It's just been a fabulous day all around. No complaints from me.



K, so the pillow is definitely beckoning me. Off to sleep I go!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "If You Stay" by BSB (One of their best!)

Crush du Jour: "Scary drunk guy"....KIDDING! SG....I think. I don't know anymore!!! =/

Happy Thought of the Moment: dancing with my girls, primping, cute funky hair, Abercrombie boys that can DANCE (for real!!!), dancing with fabby Nichelle, productive meetings, getting the kick in the ass that I really really needed, cute outfits, seeing half a gabilloin of my friends tonight, dancing, grabbing Todd's butt (hehee), being blissful, short English class today, lotsa sleep, looong showers, dancing with the girls (k I'll shut up about dancing now), Kazaa working (yaaaaaaaay!!!), caffeine jolts, making new friends, learning new dance moves, being really truly happy (I always am, but it's really exemplified right now), good booty music, knowing that I'm fabulous no matter what (empowerment is gooood!), sleeeping, comfy pillows, dorky Canadian comedies, anything 80s

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