Sexual Conotation Night!!! Plus other Randomness [ November 02, 2002, 1:30 am ]

Lalala--another looong day for me. What else is new? The tragic part is that I didn't get a nap. Cry for me.

I was such a dork last night. After doing that little soul-searching thing, I thought I was gonna go to bed. Noooo. I end up watching tv for nearly 2 hours. Late-night tv is some of the best and worst, yet most-addicting, stuff on. It was great. I was watching Jenny Jones and the topic was "Buff Babes vs. Bikini (aka Skanky) Babes." It was too too funny. There were these awesome buff ladies on. And they were really smart. Then there were these skanky girls that claimed they had degrees and that they were smarter. This one girl had the worst implants I had EVER seen. And she kept getting ripped on--with good reason! She was a bitch. And looking at her breasts was hard on the eyes. They looked like they were a 3-D figure popping at a weird angle from her abdomen--not her chest, her abs. It was really really funny. I was amused.

I finally broke down and bought Christina Skank-guiler's album today. I had heard a preview of it like forever ago, and it sounded good. And her voice is amazing. Plus it was only like $12 at Shopko. So I HAD to get it. First lemme say, I'm not impressed with the shirtless-ness of her cover. Yeah, we all know she has a great body. That doesn't mean that you should be nearly nekkid on the cover. (You KNOW she does it all for the boys. Nice. It really is a man's world.) Anyways...the album itself is totally amazing. Every song speaks to me. She's really matured and it shows. Some of the songs may sound a little cheesy-preachy, but ultimately, it works. On some songs she doesn't even sound like herself. She sounds like Sheryl Crow, Jewel, and Mariah Carey on 3 different songs. It's kinda weird. The best song? Gotta be Fighter. Oh yes, honey, I've been there too. Totally inspirational. Makes me wanna go and kick some ass. Speaking of which......

GOD! If those drunken idiots don't stop pounding on doors soon, I'm gonna go ghetto on their asses. Fo sheezy. *grin*

So I woke up knowing I had a group meeting at noonish at the library. Did anybody show up? Nooooooooo. YOu have no idea how sick and tired I am of no-shows. Nobody is pulling their weight. It sucks. This project is going to seriously suck if we don't get our act together STAT. Grrrrrr.

K, nother topic cuz I DON'T wanna talk about this anymore.

Oh--this evening was Sexual Conotation Night for Krissy. Hehe. My mind was completely in the gutter.

Instance #1: Em and I were in ShopKo, in the Feminine products aisle. Condoms also happen to be in this aisle. Me having the mentality of a horny ten-year-old boy immediately starts giggling upon looking at them. (FYI: It's really really really fuggin' cold in my room. And I'm in my flannel jammies too. WTF???) I'm all "Emily are you ready to explore the wonder that is becoming a woman?" She just looks at me and tells me to shut up. So we start looking at products and she's like "there's too many! Where are the big ones? Don't they have big ones? I need big ones?"

That was way too much for me. My mind was completely one-tracked from the condom selection. I darted into another aisle and almost fell over laughing. Yeah....

Instance #2: Me and some friends went out to dinner at the Mandarin Garden. (I've had a craving for Chinese food since 2:30 last night during my trash-tv excursion.) Nick and I were at the register paying when we saw the vending candy machines. Nick got some Runts, which made me eternally happy. I was shoving some bananas (ooh! sexual! sexual!)in my mouth when the lady standing by the machines asked how I could stand to eat them--didn't they hurt my teeth?

And me being the ohsovery eloquent one said: It's not bad, it doesn't hurt. You just have to suck on them for awhile.

(Oh, it gets better.)

Random Lady says: I see. But after you suck for awhile you just want to bite it. (That is what she said, word for word, honest.)

Nick and I looked at each other and collapsed into each other's arms laughing. The lady looked really confused for a second and then was like "Oooh, that was the WRONG thing to say, wasn't it." We couldn't even answer, we had tears streaming from our eyes.

Yup yup--Sexual Conotation night.

And it's totally Random-Happiness day too. Em and I have found joy in the most random things. Like the Harry Potter ad we found in the new issue of Teen People. And it just being magazine day in general. Yeah.....I'm weird.

Ooohh...I just got my NMU hockey hoodie out of the dryer. Warm clothes straight from the dryer are a godsend. Mmmmmmmmmmm

K, here's my version of heaven as of right now: Me lounging, with nothing pressing to do--or nothing to worry about period--while listening to John Mayer and sipping hot cocoa while wearing a straight-from-the-dryer. It's pretty much that scenario for me right now, except I'm sipping cold Pepsi and I'm still kind of stressed out.

Here's a lesson to all: NEVER PROCRASTINATE. Ever. I've said it before. But it totally bit me in the ass tonight. I hadn't made signs for the Programming Party that Mo, Patty and I are having Sunday. And I suddenly realized that if I didn't make signs, then--durrrh--nobody would come. So yeah. I was freaking out about that and stressing about projects and NAE and plans for the weekend and money and dumb stuff.

But you know what? It's all good now. I'm not really stressed anymore. Everything is gonna be fiiiiiine.

And--bonus--my friend and resident Adam is fine. He had surgery yesterday and I saw him hobbling around today, so he's all good. Hurrah! *grin*

K, I should go to bed. I'm pretty sleepy. And I get to sleee-eeep iiin tomorrrrrrrooooooooow. Whee! I'm doing a little happy dance here.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Your Body is a Wonderland" by John Mayer (I'm sooo marrying him someday. I swear the more I hear this song, the more I just smile and grow happier.)

Crush du Jour: Gotta be John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: NMU Hockey team winning tonight (!!!), going to the game tomorrow night, catching up with friends, Sexual Conotation Day, chinese food, warm clothes from the dryer, no more laundry to do (I had the biggest mound to do--it wasn't pretty), the cute little remote yippy doggy toy that I got in the kudos basket--it's way more fun and amusing than it should be, the Harry Potter ad in Teen People, new magazines to read, sleeping in, the snow melting, fuzzy mittens, skull caps, guys in sweaters (they just look goood), guys in hoodies (ditto for them), my pink hoodie sweater, the Christina cd (it's gonna be in the player for awhile), Halloween pix, venting, guestbook entries (thank you sooo much, Brett! Much love!), Disney Channel, talented people that I know, cute little kids, ice cream, my staff, smiling, Your Body is a Wonderland (lalalalalaaaaaa), Christmas card emails from my sis-tah, happy im's, being inspired, checking off lotsa stuff on my to-do list, making signs, Scooby Doo the movie

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