Hella Long Survey [ November 02, 2002, 2:25 am ]

So I know I said I was going to bed. But then I was on Adam's journal and he has this long-ass survey. I've decided that I'm totally up for a challenge. Let's see how long this takes me. Hehehe

1. Sex: Female

2. Age: 20--I'm sooo close to being legal.

3. Birthday: July 28--y'all are buying me drinks!

4. Place of Birth: Honestly I was born in Ishpeming at Bell Memorial

5. Siblings: my sis-tah Katy, aka Pookie

6. Parents: Mom: Rita, Dad: Roy (grr)

7. Pets: Umm...a pet fishy named Hebert J (yes, Katy, I'll bring him up here with me after Christmas)

8. Height: 5'4" if I'm lucky

9. Weight: No idea--I hate scales, they're the devil.

10. Hair Color: Umm...fire? It's like dark-rooted right now with blonde then orange then the Lola-red color. That equals fire. And it's short so it really does kinda look like flames. :P Me cool.

11. Eye Color: Bluey--it's been different shades of it lately too. But it's a pretty blue, I think.

12. Eye Color of Choice: Umm...MY eye color, thankyouverymuch

13. Writing Hand: Like the normal people--right

14. Masturbating Hand: I. Cannot. Believe. This. Is. a. Question. Yeah...

15. Current Residence: 22 Hunt Hall--come visit!


16. Do you bite your nails? Yeah, I'm trying to stop

17. Can you roll your tongue? No! The tragedy that is my life. EM!!!

18. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? I think so....

19. Can you blow smoke rings? No, I gag when I smoke. And you expect me to blow rings? Riiight.

20. Can you blow spit bubbles? What? Can't all infants do that?

21. Can you cross your eyes? Yeah but it hurts my eyes.

22. Tattoos? I want one! But we all know this already...

23. Piercings and where? Just my ears--2 on the left, 1 on the right

24. Do you make your bed daily? I try to. It drives me nuts when people come in my room and it's not made. It leaves a bad impression.


25. What goes on first, bra or underwear? Underwear

26. Which shoe goes on first? I've never really thought of that before...but I think the right.

27. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Yeah I chucked one at Em the other day for some random reason

28. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? Cash? What's that? Usually I'll only have like $10 or $20 if I'm lucky. I use my check card for everything.

29. What jewellery do you wear 24/7? Lately, the antique silver necklace with ancient blue beads has been inseparable from me. And then some sort of hoopy earrings

30. What's sexiest on a girl? Going with confidence and attitude

31. Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great? I'm always 10 minutes late cuz I'm getting ready.

32. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? It's no fun if you don't twirl!!!

33. How many cereals in your cabinet? At least 3 or 4. I likey the variety!

34. What utensils do you use to eat pizza? It's called my hands. It's a wonderful invention. Try it. Really.

35. Do you cook? HA! Yeah right.


36. How often do you brush your teeth? Usually once or twice a day.

37. How often do you shower/bathe? Every other morning

38. How long does your shower last? Usually 10 minutes. If I'm chilling about 20 or so minutes.

39. Hair drying method: A towel then the ghetto dryer I own for like 3 minutes. It's fabulous having short hair. Less time!!! Hurrah!


41. Do you swear? Too much. I've cut down a lot though. That was a goal of mine. I'm very proud.

42. Do you ever spit? Hahaha! Me and Em just had a spitting contest today. Yeah. I feel gross doing it but I do.

43. Do you pee in the shower? No! That's a total guy thing!


44. The CD Player: John Mayer's Room for Squares, the Serendipity soundtrack, random mix cds I make (that totally depends on the mood), and my most recent addition--Christina Aguilera's Stripped (soo goooood)

45. Person you talk most on the phone with: It's a tie between my mom and Em.

46. What color is your bedroom? Umm...the walls are institution white. But I got a bunch of happy pix and posters and stuff covering it as much as possible. For some reason I have a blue-y theme going on. It wasn't intentional, but I like it. It calms me down.

47. Do you use an alarm clock? I use my stereo as an alarm

48. Name one thing you are obsessed with: Oh lord. At the moment, it's probably Jimmy Fallon.

49. Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? No. I've just recently been de-virginized as a skinny-dipper with some of my girlfriends

50. Ever sunbathed nude? Nope

51. Window seat or aisle? I like the window seat

52. What's your sleeping position? I'm in favor of sleeping on my stomach

53. What kind of bed do you like? Comfy fluffy beds that I can curl up in

54. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? I use my Hawaiin sarong

55. Do you snore, sleepwalk, or talk in your sleep? I have no idea...I think I talk in my sleep though

56. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Not really, but the Prayer Bear from my mom resides on my bed beside me!

57. How about with the light on? No I'm all good, unless I've JUST see The Ring....

58. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? Not usually unless I'm really realy tired.


59. Took a shower? yesterday morning

60. Watched Bambi: like when I was 7 I think....

61. Cried? Really cried? Earlier this week due to stress

62. Talked on the phone? Tonight, as a break from sign-making I called Em

63. Read a book? I'm in the middle of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I WILL finish it again before it comes out in theaters.

64. Punched someone: I think I punched Nick tonight for some sarcastic comment he made.

65. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In a big city, doing something I love (PR), surrounded by the people I love

66. Who are you going to be married to? Married? Me? I can't say. Hopefully I'll have met my soulmate.

67. How many kids: NONE. Seriously.

68. Your profession or main occupation: Public Relations. Hopefully in the music business

70. What kind of house you want to own? I want the Beauty and the Beast castle! Or else a really sweet studio aparment in a city

Your three ultimate comfort foods:

1. Macaroni and Cheese

2. Hot Chocolate

3. Mashed potatoes

Three teachers/professors who impacted your life POSITIVELY:

1. Petro

2. Miss Noetzal

3. Mrs. Hyrkas/Mr. Holmstrom (tie!)

Three teachers/professors who impacted your life NEGATIVELY:

I don't really have any. Anybody who's taught me anything, whether positively or negatively has influencedme to be who I am today, and I really love who I am, so thank you everybody.

Name three life altering events from your past:

1. My parents divorcing

2. Accepting and loving me as I am half-way through high school (y'all have NO idea how big that was for me)

3. Graduating and coming to NMU

A song that makes you feel good every time you hear it: Any John Mayer song,but at the moment it's "Your Body is a Wonderland." Or "Harder to Breathe" by Maroon 5 (Download it!)

A song that brings back painful memories every time you hear it: I know that I have some....Oh--I loathe "American Pie" and I know it's cuz I heard it a lot during my harsh years of middle school. And "the Gambler" just reminds me too much of my 'rents divorcing and how sad my mom was.

A TV show you absolutely loathe: Um...anything on CMT?

A TV show you love so much people question your sanity: Gotta be SNL

The band/musical group/singer that you think you would be best friends with if you met them: I sooo want Avril Lavigne to be my little sister!!!

The celebrity that you think you would be best friends with if you met him/her: I want to be friends with Will Smith, Ben Stiller,and Jimmy Fallon--I know I'd be laughing a lot. Yeah...and I don't want to jump them or anything....

One person who had a great effect on you but is no longer in your life: A lot of my high school friends. They're still kind of in my life, but it's another life from another time really.

Would you rather re-live the first time you had your heart broken or the first time you failed at something very important to you?: The first time I failed, because I'd realize what a learning experience it is.

Would you rather re-live your most emotionally painful experience or your most physically painful experience?: Definitely my most painful physical experience because I know I'd heal. Emotional scars may never heal....

If you had to pick one thing to be absolutely fabulous at, what would it be (ex- sports, music, comedy)?: I just want to be known as the one that makes me people smile and crack up.

If you had three wishes and they had to be selfish, non-World Peace type wishes, what would you wish for?

1. To be really really rich

2. To have Jimmy Fallon and John Mayer (and Sex God and Intellectual guy) fall in love with me for all of eternity

3. To fly

Name five people you know and pick a quality you admire about each one of them:

1. My mom: hands down the strongest person I know. She's taught me everyting I know. She's so wise and beautiful.

2. Katy: my sister in more ways than one. She's tough but sweet. She says exactly what's on her mind and does her own thing. Very cool yet so difficult to pull of in high school.

3. Emily: my soul-sister and best friend. We get each other. I'd probably be wandering if she wasn't there to encourage me and keep on the semi-narrow path of right-ness. She's amazing.

4. Nick: I can't imagine coming out in the UP. I'm not a gay man, but I can only imagine what it must have been like. He's so strong and resilient. I aspire to be half as strong as he is.

5. Amanda: my amazing friend who tells it like it is and is still loved and beloved. She rocks. I love her sooo much.

A - Age: Didn't I answer that already?

B - Best Quality: A couple--I'm true to myself, I'm quite optimistic, and I have endless masses of energy.

C - Choice Of Meat: Any type of cow, please!

D - Dream Date: Cheesy as it sounds--talking for hours on end over drinks at a coffee house

E - Favorite Food: Chinese or my moms!

F - Greatest Accomplishment: Getting a job with residence life--just knowing that I was only one of like 20 out of 100 or more applicants was a HUGE compliment. It's their way of saying that they know I can make a difference.

G - Happiest Day of Your Life: I'm just a happy person. Any time during college. I've never felt more at peace. Especially this year. As much as I complain about stress, I am loving every minute of this year. There's serenity in chaos!

H - Hats, or socks? HAT

I - Internal conflicts: Just one inner demon pertaining to family history. I'm workin' on it...

J - Jam or Jelly: Both, it don't matter

K - Kool-Aid: Strawberry!

L - Love: Not an easy emotion. Multi-faceted, complex. Something I feel towards all my friends and family.

M - Most Valued Thing I Own: Probably my yearbooks and photos

N - Name: Mine!!! Hehee

O - Outfit You Love: Dark jeans, cowl-necked sweater and corderouy jacket. *sizzle sizzle*

P - Pizza Toppings: Either bacon or pepperoni

Q - Question you want to ask: What's the meaning of life?

R - Radical thing you've done: Chopped my hair all off at the spur of the moment

S - Sport To Watch: Hockey--NMU and Wings

T - Television Show: SNL, Lizzie McGuire and Friends

U - Unique habit: Cracking jokes and laughing--does that count?

V - Very favorite Verb: Fabulous

W - Winter: Happy thoughts, fun times, sucky driving

X - Yesterday's best meal: Mashed potatoes

Y - Why?: Because you're loved! Mwah!

Z - Zoo animal: PENGUINS!!!

TEN Movies I Can't Live Without: *in no particular order*

1. Moulin Rouge

2. Ocean's 11

3. Princess Diaries

4. Out of Sight

5. Serendipity

6. Charlie's Angels

7. Lilo and Stitch

9. Harry Potter

10. Jackass (movie of the moment..)

NINE Albums That Are Important to You: *in no particular order*

1. NSync-No Strings Attached

2. John Mayer-Room for Squares

3. Nelly Furtado-Whoa Nelly

4. Linkin Park-Hybrid Theory

5. NSync-Celebrity

6. Eminem-The Eminem Show

7. Serendipity Soundtrack

8. Paula Cole-This Fire

9. Alicia Keys-Songs in A Minor

EIGHT "Bands/Artists" I Couldn't Live Without: *in no particular order*

1. NSync

2. John Mayer

3. Eminem

4. Linkin Park

5. Madonna

6. Sugar Ray

7. Savage Garden

8. Alicia Keys

SEVEN Things that Annoy Me: *no particular order*

1. Crabby people

2. Winter driving

3. Wannabes

4. Teeny-boppers

5. Stuck-up people

6. Mean people

7. Slow drivers

SIX of My Favorite Songs at This Moment: *no particular order*

1. �Lose Yourself" by Eminem

2. �Your Body Is a Wonderland" by John Mayer

3. �Harder to Breathe" by Maroon 5

4. �The Ketchup Song" (oh shut up--it's fun!)

5. �Like I love You" by Justin Timberlake

6. "Can't Get you Outta My Head" by Kylie Minogue

FIVE TV Shows I Watch Regularly:

1. SNL

2. Friends

3. Lizzie McGuire

4. Will and Grace

5. Trading Spaces

FOUR of My All-Time-Favorite Books: *no part. order*

1. The Princess Diaries series

2. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

3. The Harry Potter series

4. She's Come Undone

THREE Albums I've Bought Recently:

1. Christina Aguilera-Stripped

2. Jimmy Fallon-The Bathroom Wall

3. Norah Jones-Come Away with Me

TWO People That Have Influenced My Life the Most:

1. My Mom

2. Emily

ONE Thing I Could Spend the Rest of my Life With:

1. Myself. I love me!!! Lalala

Fun fun hey? Damn that took a loong time. Blah. Time for bed! Or Lizzie McGuire, seeing that's it's gonna be re-run in like 5 minutes and I missed it this evening.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Too Much" by Dave Matthews Band

Crush du Jour:John Mayer and Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment:sleep and being narcisstic--y'all can do it too! *grin* Plus the huge list I said in my last entry

last - next
