I am Scandalized! [ August 28, 2003, 11:43 am ]

Number of skeezy guys dodged last night: 3

Number of offers for a no-strings-attached one-night-stand thang: 1

Number of times hit on last night: at least 4 (I can never really tell.....)

Number of times Joe attempted to "make out" with me: 3

Number of times I laughed whenever Joe tried to do the above-mentioned thing: 3

Yeah.....last night was by far the most interesting night I've had in a looooong time. You gotta love Quarters--the only place where you can laugh and want to vomit simultaneously.

Joe, Christy and I went out last night. I decided that I deserved to let loose a bit after such a hectic weekend and week.

Immediately after we get there, Christy and I spot this losery type that I used to like a million gabillion years ago. Seriously, I DON'T know what I was thinking when I was crushing on him. He is seriously the biggest dork I've ever seen, and this isn't a good thing. Anyways....he spotted us and sauntered over right away. Christy morphed into Sarcastic Bitch towards Dork-Boy, then downed her beer and pulled me away before I could really process what was going on. It was a brilliant process--finish our drinks as fast as possible then run to the bar and hide in the thirsty masses so he couldn't find us. It worked rather well, really. We had the process down to an art by the end of the night.

And it was quite brilliant, but it would've worked even better if he wouldn't GOTTEN THE FUCKING MESSAGE. But he has to be the most dense person ever because he kept coming over, smiling all dorky-like and making snarky comments like "you never drank before, why now?" and "I wanna see you get DRUNK!" (Krissy sidenote: Ummm....I never drank before I was 21 cuz I didn't want to get in trouble, thankyouverymuch. And I wasn't about to get drunk last night just for the sake of a loser. And I didn't get drunk last night either, so nanana to that idiot.)

So, in all reality, Christy's brilliant more-drinks plan didn't exactly work. Time for Plan B--be surrounded by a bunch of boys. The boys being Joe, his roomie Matt and his friend Pete.

Loser-Boy still didn't get the hint when Matt came over and started to nearly dry-hump me. It was so funny. Loser-Boy had a dopey look on his face and kept trying to talk to me while Matt has his arm around me and grinded his hips. He just didn't get it. All I could do was bury my face in Matt's shoulder and laugh. Matt kept going "I'm sorry I'm sorry." I was just like "umm, it's ok, you're my new hero, you have no idea." Christy was dying laughing.

At the same time, Joe tried making out with me the first time. He ended up biting my upper lip and licking my face while I laughed A LOT. Joe wasn't so impressed.

After that I didn't really see Loser-Boy.


But THEN--I was standing by Julia Gulia, just chilling, all excited to see her, when this frat-boy-type came up to me and said his friend wanted to "holler at me."

A--what the HELL does this really mean?

B--why couldn't this friend just come and talk to me himself--is he really that big of a loser where he just can't come over and talk to me himself? Am I really that intimidating? (um, no.)

So he points him out to me. It turns out to be the oldest, scruffiest, skeeziest guy in the place.

Oh snap--not only am I a beacon for gay men, but now I'm beacon for the scuzzy, losery types too? This is far too much for me to wrap my mind around.

I'm freaking out when Christy comes over and starts talking to Frat-boy. (HEhe--I almost just spelled it Fart-boy. My bad.) Turns out the sexy two-some is from out of town and this is their last night here. This would be where Scuzzy-Man enters our group and invites us to a one-night-stand. I freaked out and ran to the bathroom--I really had to pee at this point. But it was a good excuse to not talk to these idiots.

So I run to the bathroom and encounter Joe when I get out. (FYI: the girls bathroom at a bar is a great place to bond and meet people. Really. I met some really sweet girls in there.) I told him about the skeezy guys and the offer. Then I see that Christy didn't actually ditch them and they're coming to find us. I start to panic, Joe sees this and tries to make out with me again. Again, I start to laugh.

I cannot kiss my best friend. I don't care how much I need to "practice" or about the type of scene we're trying to create. It just don't work. I love you, Joe, I just can't help but laugh when you're trying to shove your tongue in my mouth.

So yeah....intriguing, fun, interesting night for Krissy. Haha. At least I got to see a lot of my friends, have A LOT of laughs and just chill out. And hey--I got some good stories out of it too. And at least I know that I'm not a complete gremlin and can attract some guys, right?

AND--I got a date tonight. Lala--I'm more than a little giddy about that.

But I gotta finish this up. I've been workin' on this damn entry for 2 freakin' hours and my desk shift is nearly over.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Ultimate" from the Freaky Friday Soundtrack

Crush du Jour: Lalalaaaaaaaa

Happy Thought of the Moment: no more house meetings, fun with friends, playing mind games, bonding with residents, cold ogwa, date tonight, rainy days, easy classes, comfy backpack, Strawberry Soda, caffeine rushes, almost weekend, 4-day weekend (!!!!!!!), Starbucks, chai latte, sleeping in

last - next
