Rock On [ August 17, 2003, 11:11 pm ]

This weekend went by way too fast. Let me just say that. Haha.

Yesterday was an absolute blast. AMAZING. I had SUCH a great time. I love spending time with my sister and Em. You can't go wrong with that combination, for sure. We sang along, we danced, we laughed, we hand jived while waiting....good times good times. I was worried Katy wouldn't have fun cuz she was in a sour mood when she picked us up, but she was having a blast. She had the biggest grin on her face the whole time. At least she got a couple of hours of bliss to counter all the hell her "friends" are putting her through back in Chassell. Just hang in there hon. You're almost to college and I know you'll shine here. Friends like Rachel are rat-bastards who don't deserve to even know you, so don't let them get you down. You're stronger and way smarter than she'll ever dream of being. Shine on hon, shine on.

I feel really bad for Katy's situation. I know none of you will know what I'm talking about since her diary is locked, but she's taken a lot of shit this summer from her so-called friends. One in particular has back-stabbed her and used her numerous times. My heart goes out to Katy. She's so strong, though--you have no idea. She's not afraid to voice her opinion or have people face her wrath (which is all good unless it's me--hehe). I just don't know what to say. I wish I could protect her from shit like this, but I can't. I know she's hurting and she's covering it up with sarcasm and fake enthusiasm. God, I just wish I could help somehow. At least we both have peace of mind that she'll soon be leaving her "friends" behind and starting over here at NMU with people that'll respect her and hopefully be a little more mature than the shitheads in Chassell.

Gaaah--this is depressing. I don't wanna be depressed right now!

Oooohhhh! I'm mucho proud of myself. I actually dragged my ass to Bob's apartment and got the majority of my stuff from there yesterday. I'd left a lot of small shit there, so it's now relocated. Yay! And I finally hauled the big box out of my room and put all that shiznit away. I'm making prooooooogress. Lalala. It's amazing how much more room I have in this little home of mine once that huge box is out of the picture. Lalala. My room's not perfect yet, but it's definitely getting there. I want it nearly done by the time Welcome Weekend comes, so that my residents can be dazzled by it. Haha. It definitely looks good so far. A little bit of cleaning and some rearranging and decorating--SNAP! It'll be one sweet home for KiKi.


Have I mentioned how fabulous my life is?

Aight, I think I'm gonna head to bed. One more early day for one little training thing. Not too bad...

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "So Yesterday" by Hilary Duff (this is my new poppy favorite. Yaaaaay!)

Crush du Jour: Chad Michael Murray (soooo cute in Freaky Friday)

Happy Thought of the Moment: pizza nights with Em, Christy and Si-Si back (SIERRAAAA! Call me!), Freaky Friday (SUCH a good movie), brainstorming with Adam, fuzzy slippers, clean laundry, yummy smelling fabric softener, concert shenanigans with Pookie and Em, rocking out, pimp chair, good novels, Fazolis, road trips, my oscillating fan (a godsend in this weirdly hot weather), Welcoming Committee members here, fun door decs, Brita water, rock on mix

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